One of the unknowns facing many soon-to-be retirees is "How soon will I run out of money after my last paycheck?" Sometimes It doesn't seem important to many facing an unknown future. They are tired of years of doing the 9-5 thing; all that matters is finally living on their terms. Often, the money issue comes down to "I won't need as much money in retirement. I won't be … [Read more...] about Nobody Will Notice?
For The Love Of God – Part 2
I invite you to get a beverage, get situated, and hang on. There’s much going on in the world, and much that needs to get said as we go forward into these days prophesied in God’s Word. Ready? Here we go.
Mainstream Christians are not viewed well these days, for the most part. They/We are certainly distinct from those currently persecuted, tortured, and martyred … [Read more...] about For The Love Of God – Part 2
Do You Eat When You’re Not Hungry?
Here is my top 10 list of why we eat when we’re not hungry.
Someone said we must eat 3 meals plus snacks daily, or we’ll die. Seriously. We have nothing else to do, so we eat. We’re addicted to it, and we eat more sugar. Comfort food is sooooo yummy. To deal with our stuff. To be social – someone took the time to make something, so I better … [Read more...] about Do You Eat When You’re Not Hungry?Tattoos – Why Do Women Do It?
Right out of the gate, I’ll say it: : I don't like visible tattoos on a woman.
Some tattoo designs are beautiful and artistic but belong on a canvas, not a human body. I'll accept tattoos on a man because men are -- well, they are men.
Does a would-be tattooed woman ever stop to think about the INTERNAL effects of various inks that pierce the skin to create … [Read more...] about Tattoos – Why Do Women Do It?
5 Easy Ways to Drink More Water
Record heat has been everywhere this summer, so staying hydrated is critical. I can tell when I’m not drinking enough water. My digestion is way off, I experience a little brain fog, and my energy is low. Many people believe drinking anything liquid will contribute to their water intake. The truth is coffee, tea, fruit juices, and alcohol are all diuretics and deplete the … [Read more...] about 5 Easy Ways to Drink More Water
For The Love Of God – Part 3: Kingdom VS. Religion
It happened again: I had a stack of notes, made over several weeks, ready for this month’s article then got a clear understanding in my spirit that I needed/we need to focus on Kingdom vs. religion. That adhering to any man-made religion will never equate to correctly living as an occupant of God’s Kingdom, as rightfully expected by the King of kings. Here in the USA, the … [Read more...] about For The Love Of God – Part 3: Kingdom VS. Religion
What The Fat Is Going On?
Let’s face it… eating fat will make you fat; the hypothesis doesn’t hold water. Dietary fat has been vilified since Ancel Keys conducted his Seven Country Study in the late 50s, where he tried to prove the correlation between heart disease and eating saturated fat. Interestingly, Key’s study did find a correlation between eating saturated fat and heart … [Read more...] about What The Fat Is Going On?
Lessons Learned At The Supermarket
Last week, after happily shopping in our local food market, my youngest son and I worked our way to the checkout lanes. Much as everyone does, we seek out the lane with the least people, so we pulled up to what seemed like just one customer ahead, and my son just got the words out of his mouth, "I hope it's not someone with a sack full of pennies or ..." and before … [Read more...] about Lessons Learned At The Supermarket
“There Is No Political Solution to A Spiritual Problem” (– Steve Quayle)
How often Christians post 2 Chronicles 7:14 (CJB used here) on social sites, yet completely miss who God is speaking to and what His requirements are: “...then, if my people, who bear my name, will humble themselves, seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.” Almighty God is speaking to His Ekklesia, … [Read more...] about “There Is No Political Solution to A Spiritual Problem” (– Steve Quayle)
Bargain Hunting At The Goodwill
This month, my daughter Pat, grandson John, and I went shopping at the Goodwill store. This was my first time shopping at a Goodwill in many moons. John is a veteran Goodwill shopper. He could spot something unique, and if the price seemed right, he immediately checked Amazon or another site to verify the price or authenticity. I was also surprised to learn that John makes … [Read more...] about Bargain Hunting At The Goodwill