First, my friends, there’s not one word written here that isn’t a reflection in a spiritual mirror I hold up for myself, as well as discuss with my LORD Messiah Jesus to help me with. Anything covered here that applies or may apply to you, please know it applies to me too.
A friend who feels challenged by Who and how God is, stated something I used to say and have heard others say. You may have heard or said something similar, about how he can’t believe in a God Who allows the horrible things that go on: What kind of a God would do that, he asks. Now that I’ve spent time with God in prayer and His Word, I have more understanding in my heart but lack the words to adequately express my understanding: I’m not spiritually mature enough yet, and am okay about admitting that. God is doing His work in me. FYI: God invites us all to bring the hard questions to Him. He will answer, possibly with a question for us.
I recently came across a partial response to my friend’s shared complaint in a thought-provoking book. The Gospel According to Moses
From the book, “Many people visualize God as something akin to a child who has spun a top and then merely sits back to watch it wind down. But if the Lord is truly all-knowing (as I must believe if I accept the Shema), then he knew every possible ramification of his creative act right from the beginning. This means God is still the source of the change I see everywhere, whether he is causing change right now or whether all change was consciously predetermined when he set the universe in motion all those years ago…. If—hypothetically speaking—the perfect Lord allowed himself to be polluted by contact with something less than holy, if God let himself be changed by my impurity, what would happen? Theoretically, since all created life depends on change and all change must have an external cause, if the cause of all change became merely one more changing thing himself, then the universe as we know it would cease to exist…. ‘I the Lord do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.’ — Malachi 3:6…. The Lord does not change, because—in the words of Paul and the prophet Habakkuk—‘God cannot change.’ But that is a limitation he has voluntarily accepted for my free will and my very survival…. ‘God, are you limited?’ ‘Yes, I am limited for love of you.’”
I prefer to say God our Father restrains Himself for His love of us. Any of us who are upset by the heinous and vile deeds happening all around us now and throughout history, personally and globally, should pause to give thought to what it must be like for a Holy God to restrain Himself out of love for us, a stiff-necked, rebellious, prideful people, whose hearts are (still) filled with evil thoughts.
Something many don’t contemplate so don’t grasp is that He is Holy. We don’t comprehend what that means to us individually and supernaturally. One thing it means is this: Sin cannot exist in His presence. Not just grievous sin, ANY SIN, including those found in Proverbs 6:16-19 CJB: There are six things ADONAI hates, seven which he detests: a haughty look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that plots wicked schemes, feet swift in running to do evil, a false witness who lies with every breath, and him who sows strife among brothers.
How did you score just now, when you read that list that doesn’t include some of the other things God declares as unholy and therefore sin? Basically, God asks us to look at the root of pride within us, as pride/self-focus is “pregnant with every other sin.” It’s a larger story of free will, choice, seeking His face, and more. Much more. In other words, being deliberate about learning Who He is and what He requires of us—for our own sake. He doesn’t change for us, we change for Him. He’s God, we’re not.
Each one of us who’s ever shared the questioning, doubting sentiments of my friend, and formerly myself, needs to realize that every sin—thought, word, deed—no matter the degree of severity, is equally sin in the presence of God, and because He is Holy, they/we would die (“The wages of sin is death”). If He readily punished us for our sins as we often think He should punish others, we’d all be dead in our bodies, dead in our sins, and thus separated from Him for all time. God is long-suffering with us because “… it is not His purpose that anyone should be destroyed, but that everyone should turn from his sins.” He’s desperate for us to repent and choose Him over the world and sin. The last thing He wants is the sins we commit, including in thought and word, to separate us from Him for eternity. So much of what we do – and I’m speaking about self-proclaimed Christians as well – is NOT allowed in His Kingdom.
For example, gossip (and complaining) is a huge problem, whether it’s person-to-person, postings on social sites, feeding our flesh-egos with endless hours of TV and or online pundits going after anyone, when God has commanded us to forgive (as readily as we wish Him to forgive us) and to pray for those people whom our flesh-egos, through pride, love or enjoy to trash. Yes, we’re to call evil out, but not in the way too many of us are doing it.
One “Christian” way to gossip is to tell one or more people why someone needs prayer – and then spill the personal stuff we should not share (and may have no right to do so), info that mars or ruins the reputation of the person who needs prayer: We tear down rather than build up. God hates that. Jesus stated that He considers marring or damaging someone’s reputation akin to murder. Plus, God says those of us who listen to gossip and don’t stop our brothers and sisters in Christ, or anyone, when they do this are considered as guilty as the gossiper! We are to take our grievances to our LORD and to search His Word for what He says about everything.
Based on recent Facebook postings I’ve seen from pastors and others, I’m in good company in commenting about this. God is speaking to them as well, about how important this is to Him, especially now, as evil events escalate and hidden sins of people in power – and in churches – are being revealed. How tempting it is to sin, in our hearts and in our words, in response! FYI: Anyone familiar with Steve Quayle and the visitation he received from Messiah Jesus decades back, knows that Jesus told SQ the hidden sins of leaders and the Church will be revealed before China and Russia nuke the USA. Food for thought, yes? Disclaimer: God did call certain people to be watchmen on the wall and to alert others of what’s coming. How they do that is between them and God.
And any time we feel the need to complain/whine, we need to reread Exodus to be reminded about how God feels about complainers/whiners. We need to go back to the Word, spend time in it, and pay attention to what Messiah Jesus told us about trusting Him fully: What to do and what not to do as His representatives in the world. We’re supposed to bring His light and love, and faith and hope, not add to the spiritual pollution – especially not while claiming to carry His name and thus His power that is supposed to carry us.
It’s interesting how often people want to ignore what God told us about Himself in His Word. How often it is that they disregard Him because they disagree with Him. They have no fear of the LORD (“Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom”) so readily forget this fact: He’s God, we’re not. Period. Full stop. When you begin to really know Him, you begin to understand more about why He’s done and does what He’s done and does—for our eternal sake, I add. It’s too easy to forget that there’s eternal existence after this life. This life is the blink of an eye compared to eternity. [See video link at the end: “Eternity Is Too Long To Be Wrong.”]
We’re in a significant time in history, one described in a number of places in Scripture, Matthew 24, for one. For the best, most succinct intelligence briefing as to what’s happening now and soon to happen (and possibly how soon), and why it’s imperative to begin to know your true God now, I pray you will listen to the clarifications provided by these two former U.S. Marine Infantrymen and warriors for God who not only know military matters but God’s Word: (623) Jamie Walden interview, WW3 Mobilization – Updated and background music fixed – YouTube . AND in case you think we have a lot more time to piddle around with “will I or won’t I choose God and submit to Him,” catch this update (as of 06.26.23) from Jamie: (642) BATTLE WEARY – YouTube . If you’ve seen any reports about all the military movement across our lands and in our skies, you really want to watch both videos to hear from two people who can be trusted to convey facts not fears.
We’re in a time of which God speaks to us in Revelation (the End-Times book in the Bible) of the seven churches. The Church is supposed to be the Body of Christ Jesus, His representatives and operatives in the world. Too lazy to go get my Bible, I pulled this recap list from a site I found online, Learn Religions, of which I know nothing and provide no recommendation, though I appreciate this info:
*Ephesus: The church that had abandoned its first love for Christ (Revelation 2:4).
*Smyrna: The church that would face severe persecution (Revelation 2:10).
*Pergamum: The church that needed to repent of sin (Revelation 2:16).
*Thyatira: The church whose false prophetess was leading people astray (Revelation 2:20).
*Sardis: The sleeping church that needed to wake up (Revelation 3:2).
*Philadelphia: The church that had patiently persevered (Revelation 3:10).
*Laodicea: The church with lukewarm faith (Revelation 3:16).
They all exist simultaneously in this moment we’re in. This fact should be concerning, if not terrifying for some, especially those who believe God is wrong and they are right and, yes, those who believe they’re crushing it for Christ Jesus, especially if they go along to get along with the world.
To speak directly to those of us who say we’re Christians (and anyone willing to take more of this), I’ll use a few excerpts from Carter Conlon’s book.[
“The Lord said, ‘I have tried, I have sent voices, I have warned.’ Of course there comes a time when we do not expect the nation to hear; we do not expect the ungodly to listen. After all, it is the Church that God speaks to. However, it often seems to be the case that when society has degenerated to a certain point, even those who claim to believe in God are no longer willing to listen. Instead, they have settled into a form of worship they find very satisfying and pleasing, and so they will not be moved, even if Christ Himself were to stand and preach in their midst.”
Conlon also wrote, “You and I are like oysters—we don’t like irritation. That is why many people gravitate to a soft gospel.”
I understand that so well. AND, I’m about to possibly upset a few people I love dearly. My roots were as a Catholic, and though I don’t wish to upset my Catholic family and friends, if I don’t and won’t speak honestly about such matters, I should be quiet. My point: As a Catholic, I was taught that the way to Heaven was to be a good Catholic, in all that required, which wasn’t much. That I didn’t need to read the Bible—because I wouldn’t be able to understand it anyway. I won’t go into all I’ve since learned, but will summarize it this way: The Catholic Church, in principle, taught me that I had a “Willy Wonka Golden Ticket” for eternity in Heaven, and as long as I remained Catholic, even if in label only, no great effort was required on my part.
This by no means is about the people who are Catholics, some who truly love Christ Jesus as LORD and do, from the heart, serve Him, but about those who are supposed to shepherd them according to the Word, not their religious doctrine. Take a survey of Catholics (or any other church members these days) to find out how many of them read Scriptures every day, have read the Bible in its entirety more than once, and who know in what ways the Catholic religion directly contradicts God. It makes me cry out to my LORD whenever I think about it, and not just the Catholics—all the religions that have missed the mark and are teaching God’s people that they don’t need to aim at the target, just send the arrow in the general direction, like getting a participation trophy for showing up rather than running the race to finish the race. Running requires specific training and effort—on the track.
Per Conlon, “Religion offers a soft pillow for the conscience and presents a wonderful substitute for the heart that has declined to undertake its personal journey with Christ.” God is not religious. And the Adversary got me (and my heart) so far off the mark, you better believe I ask God every day, by His grace – because I sure can’t do it by will-power – to heal my heart so I’m willing and eager out of love for Him that fills me and spills over to others—to serve Him as He instructed us to do. He has every right to expect this from us.
Until a few years ago, I’d never heard of the Great Commission Messiah Jesus commands of His followers. Commands, not “If you feel like it.” Jesus said if we’re truly His followers, we’re to count the cost (There’s a cost?! Nobody told me there’s a cost!), and if we agree to the cost, we’re to pick up our cross and follow Him. That is NOT what I learned. And, frankly, having learned something opposite, and then spending decades as a pagan who did what she wanted, I still contend with my flesh about these counting-the-cost and submitting-myself-entirely-to-Messiah Jesus matters. Thankfully, Holy Spirit is working with me on this and other matters.
Per Conlon: “Satan does not care if you are a selfish Christian. As a matter of fact, he wants you to be a selfish Christian because that would render you no threat to his kingdom whatsoever. You will have the same spirit as the world around you. You might go in God’s name, but you will have the same pursuits as the world and therefore no influence. The devil knows that you will not be bringing the real Savior anywhere you go, so he will likely even get behind you and encourage you in your mediocrity.”
OUCH! Conlon’s book kicks Christian backsides that need it, starting with mine.
Since we’re enjoying this so much, here are a few more excerpts from Conlon’s book, which I consider a MUST-READ for the times we’re in:
“As expected, the people were highly offended that this man would come in and begin to challenge their spiritual bankruptcy. All through history this has been the pattern. So God said, ‘I will not pass by them again anymore.’ To me, that is the most fearsome statement; it is the most tragic place that a person who claims to know God could ever find himself or herself—when God says, ‘I am not coming to you anymore. I am not speaking to you anymore. You have hardened your heart to the point that you don’t want to hear, so I will no longer speak to you. I will give you only what you want to hear.’”
That, my friends, is a terrifying place to be. I don’t recall if I read it or heard it or who said or wrote it, but this image has stuck with me: Hell is where all evil is quarantined. If you found the two-year plandemic quarantine difficult . . . . The 24/7-evil-only Hellish quarantine has no end-date. Ever.
Remember, God has given us the free will to choose, so He will abide by our choice for where we spend eternity. He’s not unloving in this regard: He’s given several thousand years of warning. Losing even one son or daughter will hurt Him in ways we cannot comprehend. He suffered and died to show us how profoundly He loves us, shed His blood so we could accept His forgiveness of our sins and be freed from sin’s power over us. Do you think John 3:16 was easy for the Father? Do you think that what Messiah Jesus went through when He worked to exhaustion on our behalf and took our place under the lash and on the cross was easy? This restraint out of love by our God and Father has a shelf-life. God is clear there is an End-Time approaching. Judgment will happen. What else can anyone give in order to show their love? Who are we to demand even more as proof? What else is there?
A final Conlon excerpt: “It is our separation to God that the enemy is after, and to a large extent he has succeeded. That is why we are living in a weak and emaciated Church age. No wonder society can pass by the doors of most churches in America today and not even give a second thought as to what is going on inside. They recognize that the value system is the same inside that door as it is outside. There is nothing in the church that confronts the ungodliness of the surrounding society. In attempts to take away this separation to God, Satan will always send a form of seductive and enticing religion.”
Far too many churches have “Icabod” written over the door, meaning God’s glory has departed from them. And in Revelation 3:20, Messiah Jesus tells us He knocks at the door. He HAS to knock on the door of the Church because the Church booted Him out and locked the door.
How many people I know who believe pastors (who have BIG BUDGETS to meet each month) who’ve told them that living their best life now is how to crush it for Jesus, which is completely opposite of what Jesus said life as a follower of His would or should be. I don’t mean material wealth. I know of people to whom God gave great wealth and who use that wealth for God’s purposes, as He leads them to. It’s about willing service to Him, whether it’s a small matter or a great one (size-wise or risk-wise) and having true power of God through the Holy Spirit rather than a form of godliness that has no supernatural power. I know people who follow certain pastors because the easy-peasy-breezy non-biblical “Jesus” certain pastors promote fit their preferred lifestyle. No irritation required. Faux pearls rather than real ones.
Hey, as I said at the start, I’m holding up a mirror to myself with every word in this entire writing.
Thankfully, there are shepherds whom God has anointed and who carry that anointing with them in their ministries and personal lives. The person you see in church is the person you see in their home and in society. They do not wear different faces for different people. They represent Messiah Jesus at all times, with no hesitation—imperfect people who are committed to Christ Jesus and abide in Him and Holy Spirit in them. Can we say the same about ourselves?
The psalmist wrote in Psalm 94:16 CJB: “Who will champion my cause against the wicked? Who will stand up for me against evildoers?” It’s easy to think of any of us saying this to God as a plea, but what if it is Messiah Jesus asking these questions of us as well? Especially in these days of people calling good evil and evil good. Please—please take time to watch the Rekkr and Jamie Walden videos. The time is worth it; the timing is imperative.
I invite you to check out the other links provided below, especially because after being kicked a bit by the above, we all—including me—need reminding about God’s great love for us, and His awesome grace and mercy in our regard.
May God lead us and those we love to repentance, deliverance, and salvation as needed. May God sprinkle us with hyssop and make us clean. May He create in us a clean heart and renew in us a resolute spirit (Psalm 51 CJB – For the leader. A psalm of David, when – Bible Gateway ).
(641) Eternity is Too Long to Be Wrong | Tim Dilena – YouTube
(637) The King Who Shouts In Your Heart | Carter Conlon | 2/08/2023 – YouTube
(637) Every Once in a While, God Finds Someone Like You | Carter Conlon – YouTube
Rekkr: Intel Report Round Table Discussion with Special Guest: Pastor David Lankford (rumble.com)
(637) A Warning Against Neglecting Salvation-Bible Study with Rekkr – YouTube
(654) A Podcast Full of Inflammatory Things | Eric Metaxas | EP 371 – YouTube
This podcast from Frank of Remnant Call Radio is about way more than the title suggests: (637) Protection From The Alien Deception – YouTube
Another amazing article. I have learned to look at each one like a mirror I look at myself in. I ask myself if there is anything out of place that needs to be changed in me. Then I pray about it and get to work on it..
Thank you, Joyce Shafer, for your honest and prayerful articles each month. And for admitting that you use them to search your own soul too while writing them.
God help us all!
I stand with you in that prayer, and I thank our Almighty God and Father for how generous He is with His grace and mercy.
“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and stars that you set in place – what are mere mortals, that you concern yourself with them; humans, that you watch over them with such care?” – Psalm 8: 3-4 CJB