This world – this life – is not what those of us “of an age” grew up with in America. How blessed we were, were being the operative word. Surely, you’re aware of the differences. One obvious one is what you might call a kind of virus, now prevalent, one that is forcing us to face the level of our immunity to or against it: Fear. And there are those who have … [Read more...] about Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
Don’t Like Your REAL Age? You Can Change It!
What will your life be like when you get to age 90 (don't laugh -- it's becoming the norm)? Considering the status of your health right now, are you looking forward to age 90 and above? Remember comedian George Burns? He was still doing comedy in clubs weeks before his death at age 100. Or, perhaps you remember Art Linkletter ("Kids Say The Darndest Things" -- a TV show … [Read more...] about Don’t Like Your REAL Age? You Can Change It!
Aging Is A Curable Disease And You Can Do It
Every year thousands of people reach their fifties and sixties and are designated "senior citizens." For them, youth is gone, never to return. Their decline is inevitable, based on their chronological (calendar) age. That is not true, but it is universally accepted as true. Social Security agrees it's true and starts to dole out retirement benefits at age 65 or before. In … [Read more...] about Aging Is A Curable Disease And You Can Do It
The Time to Choose Is Now
I wish I’d felt inspired to craft some other writing this month, but I didn’t. You see, I was at my office in Midtown Manhattan on that splendid Tuesday, September 11, 2001. And now, 20 years later, consider what’s happening in our country (USA)—especially at the southern border allowed to be open for nearly nine months (and in many ways, still is), in Afghanistan, and … [Read more...] about The Time to Choose Is Now
Staying Connected In A COVID Culture
In the past year, I can hardly remember when I could make a phone call, expecting to hear the voice of a representative and not have the COVID message reminding me of the changes and holding me longer due to the pandemic. So, on the one hand, I tried to understand; on the other, I was a bit annoyed. The eternal season of COVID had marched into our lives and taken us hostage. … [Read more...] about Staying Connected In A COVID Culture
Got White Hair? Try Orange!
Lately, my white hair has been annoying me. I think I'm going to change the color -- again. Thinking about the color I want to change it to, I remembered an article I wrote in 2007 that is just as relevant now as it was then. Here it is: Miss Dorothy, who cut and colored my hair for years, retired. I was devastated. After all, she's just a kid - she's only sixty. … [Read more...] about Got White Hair? Try Orange!
Good Stuff To Know September 2021
Cutting 250 calories daily and exercising may improve heart health in obese older adults Among older adults with obesity, combining aerobic exercise with moderate reductions in total daily calories led to greater improvements in vascular health compared to exercise alone. Reducing calorie intake by … [Read more...] about Good Stuff To Know September 2021
Bring More Joy And Happiness Into Your Life
In my travels, I realize people are unhappy with their relationships, jobs, financial situation, health, the weather, politics, where they live, how they live--the list is endless. I was prompted to write this article from a conversation with my son’s 29-year-old girlfriend, who was stressed and very unhappy with her job. I listened to her share how overwhelmed she’s … [Read more...] about Bring More Joy And Happiness Into Your Life
How To Manage Boredom
I've heard from many people who "retire" that they don't know how they had time to work their 40-hour day job now that they're retired. I find there's a LOT to do daily, but then there are times when boredom creeps in. For example, when my husband is out of town for softball tournaments, I have time to focus on things I want to do. Instead, I spent time rearranging my closet, … [Read more...] about How To Manage Boredom
Dare To Say I Love You
My daughter Pat and a neighbor take a long walk at 5 AM almost every morning. If you venture out too much later than that, it's HOT. I would walk with them, but for me, 5 AM is the middle of the night. If I wake up at that time, I think, "Yaaay! I've got another couple of hours to sleep." The neighbor's name is Jenny, and she's an interesting person. She takes as many and … [Read more...] about Dare To Say I Love You