With summer in full swing here in AZ, I must stay hydrated. I can tell when I’m not drinking enough water. My digestion is off, I experience slight brain fog, I don’t sleep well, and my energy is low. Many people believe drinking anything liquid will contribute to their water intake. The truth is that coffee, tea, fruit juices, and alcohol are diuretics that deplete the body … [Read more...] about 5 Easy Ways To Drink More Water
Doing The Impossible Is Possible
I have rolled this story over in my head many times. I have been deciding if it is worth sharing. In the end, I believe it has worth and relevance, especially for seniors wrestling with limitations in the body that once sprinted out of bed without a hitch. Other parts that have given way to aches and pains almost daily can baffle and amaze us (not always in a good way). I … [Read more...] about Doing The Impossible Is Possible
A Letter to My Christian Brothers And Sisters
Dear Messianic brothers and sisters, This letter is as much to me as it is to you, and is offered with love in spirit. Too often these days, some of us are found to be Christians misbehaving. We’re to be a light in this spiritually ever-darkening world. Examples of the change of heart Messiah Jesus accomplishes in us. We’re to be wise as serpents and gentle as … [Read more...] about A Letter to My Christian Brothers And Sisters
Review: You Are Not Too Old To Strut Your Stuff!
Editor comment: Recently I offered a free copy of my new e-book, You Are Not Too Old To Strut Your Stuff!. The Editor of AgelessBeauty.net took up my offer and what follows is her review. Barbara Morris has written a new book and it may be her best yet. In You Are Not Too Old To Strut Your Stuff! she lays out exactly how Boomers and older women can … [Read more...] about Review: You Are Not Too Old To Strut Your Stuff!
Senior Scribblers Writing And Sharing Lives
Every Wednesday at noon sharp, I can be found staring into the lovely faces of my writing peers via zoom for our weekly Senior Story Time, hosted by the Senior Scribblers. They are residents of the Senior Center in Franklin, Massachusetts. I came across this lively group of people quite by “accident,” but I think it was one of those God connections where several needs are … [Read more...] about Senior Scribblers Writing And Sharing Lives
Stop Anticipating Your Death!
A friend and brilliant writer publishes well-documented articles about current events. She said this in a recent newsletter: "Time is also not a friend of people my age. I'll be 73 at the end of June, so I don't have many years left. . . " I guess she has a direct pipeline to the intention of God or the Grim Reaper. Anyone at age 73 who assumes an early demise because … [Read more...] about Stop Anticipating Your Death!
A VERY Inconvenient Reality
I came across an intriguing article title claiming a promise to explain why Elites in power positions tell us what they’re going to do (to us) before they do it (https://tinyurl.com/5feyt4r9). It’s an article worthy of the several minutes involved to read. And then I did something I seldom do: looked at the comments. In the comments … [Read more...] about A VERY Inconvenient Reality
Oh, Our Poor Misunderstood Stomach!
The stomach is probably the most misunderstood organ in the body. If you've ever experienced heartburn, you're probably thinking the stomach is too acidic and causing discomfort. However, heartburn is not caused by stomach acid but from poorly digested foods that backflow into the esophagus. It's a combo of food and some stomach juices, and the esophagus wasn't meant for the … [Read more...] about Oh, Our Poor Misunderstood Stomach!
Good Stuff To Know June 2022
Common prostate cancer medications may be less safe than previously thought Men taking either of the two most common oral medications for advanced prostate cancer who had also undergone hormone therapy to treat their disease were at higher risk of serious metabolic or cardiovascular issues than … [Read more...] about Good Stuff To Know June 2022
Good Stuff To Know May 2022
Researchers investigate the connection between loss of motivation and Alzheimer's disease progression Researchers are studying why neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as apathy and irritability, appear in most Alzheimer's disease patients before the onset of memory loss. [Read more...] about Good Stuff To Know May 2022