A new start after 60: ‘I was sick, tired and had lost myself – until I began lifting weights at 71’ Physical Infirmities of "old age" are often lifestyle driven [Read more...] about Good Stuff To Know August 2021
Discover Your Actual Age – It’s Not The Year You Were Born
The press release below was created to promote the TruAge Diagnostic test, of which I am a huge fan. The test has incredible value in more ways than can be imagined. Knowing your biological age -- the age and vitality of your body's cells is critical. … [Read more...] about Discover Your Actual Age – It’s Not The Year You Were Born
I Am Always With You: A Testimonial And More, For Such A Time As This
My best friend’s parents dropped us off at the front entrance of the municipal auditorium, rented for the one-night-only revival being held by their Baptist church. I was thirteen (bar and bat mitzvah age), and though our family was Catholic, my parents allowed me to attend. Coming from a Catholic background, I was unused to so much emotion and to people … [Read more...] about I Am Always With You: A Testimonial And More, For Such A Time As This
Good Stuff To Know July 2021
Dr. David Sinclair: Why We Get Old And Why We Don't Have To https://youtu.be/9nXop2lLDa4 Want a longer, healthier life? Resolve your arguments by day's end A recent study found that when people … [Read more...] about Good Stuff To Know July 2021
Get To Know Zenobia Silas-Carson (and why we love her)
(The following is an excerpt from a press release A novel way to beat loneliness-1 It featured Zenobia and other creative seniors.)
At 73, Zenobia Silas-Carson has been through enough life experiences to fill a … [Read more...] about Get To Know Zenobia Silas-Carson (and why we love her)After The Hospital: Senior Style
Recently, I was in the hospital for all kinds of gastronomical shenanigans. This was not the first time, but as hospital stays go, I count it as one of the most traumatic. While affixed to my bed by multiple IVs and closed in by an annoying catheter, I reflected on how mentally debilitating a hospital stay can be for anyone, but especially for seniors. The nurses and … [Read more...] about After The Hospital: Senior Style
I was paragraphs into writing a draft of this article then realized it was for the July issue of the Journal. July 4, Independence Day, when patriotic USA citizens celebrate our inalienable rights as individuals and as members of an independent nation free from tyranny. What can cause this Freedom Train to go off the rails is when those in positions … [Read more...] about FAITHFUL vs. UNFAITHFUL
How Retirees Shaped My Thoughts About Retirement
The last pharmacy I worked in was the best job I ever had because I was older than many retired customers and what I learned from them forever changed how I felt about retirement. They told me everything about themselves and the world they lived in. I listened intently, asked questions, and observed. It was a priceless education. I soaked it up like a sponge. I heard many … [Read more...] about How Retirees Shaped My Thoughts About Retirement
5 Easy Ways To Eat Healthy This Summer
This month I’m going to share 5 ways to help you eat healthy. I’m sure you’ll be able to relate and find an idea or two to help you stay on track. Clear out your pantry, fridge, and freezer of food items that you know aren’t good food choices. Give food away to family or friends or give non-perishable items to a local food bank. If you have vegetable oils like corn, soy, … [Read more...] about 5 Easy Ways To Eat Healthy This Summer
Cheer Up, Bunky; It Could Be Worse
I was sitting in the squeaky-clean office of the Walmart Eye doctor as he finished with my extensive exam. I have had an increasingly lousy vision for some time, and I knew he had nothing good to say. While they are kind and cordial at the start but after looking at your results from all angles, there is that set in their shoulders that says, “How do I break it to this poor … [Read more...] about Cheer Up, Bunky; It Could Be Worse