Here's What's Inside: How To Regard This Advice | What Is "Old"? | The Truth | The Hunt Begins | Photos | Profile | Appearance And Cultural Change | The Great Deception | Health | Messaging | Age | Sex | Religious And Political Preferences | Location | Contact | How to regard this advice . . . What is perceived as criticism or negativity is hard to take but sometimes, … [Read more...] about Can’t Fail Tips For Old Guys Looking For Love
Why Is Blood Sugar Regulation Critical To Control?
For those in the USA, I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving. For the most part the traditional Thanksgiving meal is full of refined carbohydrates. Just about everything we consume in our holiday meal has added sugar. My Thanksgiving meal was no exception. We purchased a prepared meal from a local healthy grocer and while the words “natural”, “organic” were presented on the … [Read more...] about Why Is Blood Sugar Regulation Critical To Control?
Suffering Is Inevitable — Misery Is Optional
Suffering is inevitable but misery is optional. I heard someone say that just today on a television program and I raced to find a pen, pencil, piece of charcoal or a stray dry erase marker to write it quick, before the words faded into the archives with other forgotten (and really cool) phrases. I thought, "Aha...I am familiar with both suffering and misery....I could write … [Read more...] about Suffering Is Inevitable — Misery Is Optional
How Perfect Do You Believe You Have to Be?
Did anyone ever tell you, “If you’re not going to or can’t do it right, don’t do it at all”? That “advice” can be appropriate at times, but the rest of the time, it sets you up for self-sabotage and lack, actual or perceived. Obviously, there are times when you hope that’s the motto of a person, and you expect them to abide by it, such as someone performing surgery or a … [Read more...] about How Perfect Do You Believe You Have to Be?
Good Stuff To Know December 2018
One month of abstinence from cannabis improves memory in adolescents, young adults A new study finds that one month of abstaining from cannabis use resulted in measurable improvement in memory functions important for learning among adolescents and young adults who were regular cannabis users. [Read more...] about Good Stuff To Know December 2018
Decline or Growth: It’s Your Choice
During the Depression of the 1930s, an Irving Berlin tune with the lyrics “Everybody’s doin’ it, doin’ it, doin’ it” was popular. I don’t know what everybody was doin,’ but it had a happy sound that made you feel better about tough times. Fast-forward to the present and the lyrics are still relevant: Everybody’s doin’ it, doin’ it, doin,’ it, and what are they doin'? They … [Read more...] about Decline or Growth: It’s Your Choice
Ways You May Sabotage Yourself
There are a number of methods to use to get clear about what you want and what actions will help you attain, achieve, and accomplish. But are you aware of these ways you may use often that sabotage getting what you want from yourself, others, and the Universe? You certainly don’t want to sabotage your efforts, but you may have learned these behaviors and practice them … [Read more...] about Ways You May Sabotage Yourself
Vacillating About Vaccines?
In Life Extension magazine, October 2018, I read an interview with Kris Verburgh, M.D, author of The Longevity Code . I found it fascinating but absolutely scary as it relates to viruses and vaccines. Medical and pharmaceutical journals are overflowing with impassioned pleas for EVERYONE to be vaccinated for just about … [Read more...] about Vacillating About Vaccines?
Why Women Become Little Old Ladies Before Age 65
Women don't become Little Old Ladies as a result of chronological age. They are created when women aren’t aware of traps they fall into as they age. Here are three major snares: They don't understand the need to make lifestyle changes early on to keep what they have.By age 30, youth is kissing you goodbye with this unspoken message: "Hey babe, I'm leaving. I've given you … [Read more...] about Why Women Become Little Old Ladies Before Age 65
Our Misunderstood Stomach
The stomach is probably the most misunderstood organ in the body. If you’ve ever experienced heartburn you’re probably thinking the stomach is just too acidic and causing the discomfort. The truth is heartburn is not caused by stomach acid but rather from mal-digested foods that backflow into the esophagus. It’s a combo of food along with some stomach juices and the esophagus … [Read more...] about Our Misunderstood Stomach