Occasionally, I will introduce you to friends and others working tirelessly to preserve our Constitution, Republic, and way of life. Some of you will immediately recognize their names.
Several are at the top of my list, but a standout is Kelleigh Nelson. I’ve known her for a long time; if Kelleigh says the “sky is falling,” she will back up her allegation with impeccable documentation. She knows what’s happening in Washington and has many “inside” contacts. I rely on her for information not generally known to the public. She writes regularly for News With Views (please subscribe) where you can read her latest column, Listen to the Music. Be sure to read Kelleigh’s interesting biography.

If you unintentionally opened this page and are horrified by its content, you need to read Kat’s article. It opens with this:
Go ahead, click to open, and read her article. The future of all of us is at stake.
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VIDEO: What Kamala’s ‘Unburdened’ Phrase Really Means: The Radical Agenda Exposed
This video provides one more piece of evidence that Kamala is NOT who she purports to be. The speaker in the video rambles a bit, but he doesn’t mince words. I have another video that I am unable to copy for some reason, in which Kamala screams one of her favorite slogans of the Communist party, “We are not going back.” Biden also used the Communist “Build back better” slogan several times. Most of us have heard the Communist slogans without understanding their meaning.
Karl Marx: “The first battleground is to rewrite history to be unburdened by what was.” (Sound familiar? It’s a favorite of Kamala.)
Many people wonder why I continue to write about COVID. I do it because the use of “vaccines” is not going away. If the pretense isn’t to fight COVID, then it will be Monkey Pox, Bird Flu, or another scary condition that will motivate many individuals to get “vaccinated” against it. Keep in mind that the ultimate purpose of the so-called vaccines is to help reduce global population. Your health is the least of globalist concerns. Control is their goal.
Explosive Study: Covid ‘Vaccines’ Caused 74% of ALL Deaths
90% of Fully Vaxxed Population Now Has Irreversible Heart Damage, AHA Warns
The ‘Secret Ingredient’ in COVID Vaccines Has Been Found
The link above is a very complex article. It has lots of charts and a list of human illnesses caused by the COVID shots. For those who like “nitty gritty” facts and figures, this one is for you.
Bill Gates to Stand Trial in Netherlands in COVID Vaccine Injury Lawsuit
Dems aren’t hiding it — Kamala Harris promises mass amnesty and more illegal immigration
Over 7,000 Antidepressants Recalled Over Potentially Cancer-Causing Chemical
DMSO video – Mike Wallace
DMSO is a Miraculous Therapy for Chronic Pain and Musculoskeletal Injuries
The video is old and grainy but it’s worth watching.
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