I know that a lot of folks don’t like to talk or even THINK about politics. This message is for you.
Politics has always been a dirty business. Decade by decade since the end of WW II, the political “arts” have grown more and more filthy; so much so that the details would fill 1000 Substacks. There is so much. that it is a topic for another day. If you are curious, look up the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, about the capture of the media and entertainment industry. There is no time for the full story; many of you know it already.
This is exactly WHY we all must pay attention now. More than that, we must act if we want our free country to survive. It has come to that, partly because of everyone who ignored the course of our national affairs.
I’m not here to point fingers. I was once one of them. I was busy with family and responsibilities and just coasted. After all, politics seemed to be a nasty, confusing, and irritating business, for which I had no appetite.
I was clueless about the ramifications of citizens not being involved in their governance.
Now, I am here to urge you to come along, into real awareness, before it is too late.
In the last decades, I’ve come awake, and made it my work to spread knowledge – real facts, not BS – and give folks concrete steps to follow. My battle cry has been, “Off the couch and out the door. We have a country to save.!!” Acting in your local community where you have the most influence is the only way to make a difference. . From now to Nov. 5, 2024, your involvment is to be sure to VOTE. In, person, please. Bring several friends along.
You can only change your statehouse and our nation’s Capitol with informed voting.
The use of voting machines is part of the game. The “hanging chad” situation in FL in 2000 was engineered to introduce the systems you hear about today: Dominion, ES&S, and all the rest. It is important for you to know that there is not really a dime’s worth of difference among any of them. None are secure; all can and are hacked, pretty much at will. NATIONAL EXPERTS HAVE TESTIFIED TO THAT FACT.
Anomalies in the voting processes are being proven even as I write this, less than two weeks before our national election. There have been problems from Florida to Maine, Texas to Tennessee and dozens of states in between. A group of attorneys, United Sovereign Americans (USA), which is in 23 states, is bringing suit in federal court, as these illegal anomalies are being reported.
It is just like 2020, which altered results have all been proven beyond doubt. The lapdogs in the media are writhing all over the floor, trying to say it just ain’t so. They remind me of a pup, with a bad itch right where he can’t scratch it. Before you take pity on this pup, know that he chose to be running with the biting bugs.
Want a quick lesson on the lap-dog media? Try to “google” information about voting machine insecurities. What pops up is that proven facts are “conspiracy theories” planted by those evil people who love America.
Nevertheless, machines or not, THAT IS WHY EVERY PERSON MUST GET OUT AND VOTE NOW. The winning side must overwhelm the treachery.
It is still your free choice to vote for the Left, but that should only be done if your agree with their policies of open borders; no punishment for criminals; sex-change surgery for minors without parental knowledge or consent; abortion on demand up to the time of birth; higher prices, taxes and loss of your life savings. Sorry to be blunt, but I summarize to make things clear. Research the truth yourself; without it, please DO NOT vote.
You can check “Discover the Networks” for information on the Harris/Walz ticket by clicking on the underlined words.
For the Trump platform, click the underlined link.
The life you lead today is because you have lived in freedom. The Harris ticket openly avows Marxist concepts. Love it? Vote for it, but if communism takes America, you will never have the freedom to express your choices again. And you can forget about what life for your grandchildren will look like.
That freedom is in gravest danger today. RIGHT NOW. In a mere two weeks we may have lost it. All evidence points to the fact that the Left will try to reproduce the dishonest “election” of 2020. If you like what has happened since then, by all means, join them.
America has been “one nation, under God” for 250 years. That God sees what we have become, and is not pleased. I’m not a preacher, just look around. If you have Judeo-Christian morals, do YOU like it?
He has spared Donald Trump from death, now several times. Most of moral America believes that God had a reason for that miraculous last-second turn of a head. Most of America is coming to realize that the attempts on Donald Trump’s life were arranged by the very government who wants you to elect a woman who is incapable of telling the truth. That also, is proven over and over.
The left plays on Team Lucifer.
This is “lethal politics” at its worst. Here’s more. The Biden/Harris regime has ignored our Constitutional laws. The latest, is that they have empowered the US military to shoot to kill its own citizens. Illegal you say? They don’t care.
I’m not going to go on. You get it. Get informed and go vote. Lady Liberty’s torch is flickering, and will be extinguished in 2024 if another fraudulent election occurs in America. There is one choice that will have us living in darkness for long years. Please get informed and vote
Kat Stansell is a native of Cincinnati Ohio, and graduate of Denison University, Kat served the Village of Mettawa, IL, as treasurer and chair of the Planning Commission, where she got a good look at the process of civic vs. corporate interaction. She has been a local activist, working for several candidates and organizations. She has also written for newspapers and websites, and organized events highlighting issues of the day.
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