A long life brings many memories, good and bad. Some we cherish while we try to forget or ignore the others. This is why I awoke at 300 A.M. and could not go back to sleep. These were good memories but I prefer not to have them at three in the morning. Aah, but we either swim in the memory pond or get up, make coffee and write about memories. I am amazed by the way our … [Read more...] about Ambushed By Memories
Everything Has A Reason and A Season
Trees don't struggle to keep their leaves when autumn arrives, nor do they resist new growth in spring. But, resistance to change is how we sometimes or often approach our lives and experiences. Life asks—insists really, that we engage a continuous shedding and new growth aspect. Maybe you're trying to hang onto something it's time to let go of or trying to … [Read more...] about Everything Has A Reason and A Season
Decide How You’d Like to Feel BEFORE You Exercise!
We all know exercise is good for us and makes us feel good, yet few of us actually decide how we'd like to feel before we exercise. Most of us wait until we exercise, and then hope that we will feel good when we've finished. That's kind of like saying, "I will go after my goals and then be happy when I get there!" In professional sports today, physical fitness coaches will … [Read more...] about Decide How You’d Like to Feel BEFORE You Exercise!
Short Shorts
I'm Almost There! An update on my progress toward my new career in Real Estate: Getting a license is challenging. I have passed the required three online exams and will take the State exam on July 7, and passing that, I am told, is not a walk in the park-- only half of those taking the exam pass it the first time around. I am determined not just to pass it ( a score of 70% … [Read more...] about Short Shorts
The Ageless Anomaly Phenomenon
In his book Successful Aging Dr. John W. Rowe claims that eighty percent of how well we age is the result of lifestyle choices made over time and twenty percent is the result of genetics or environmental influences beyond our control. More recently, Dr. David Perlmuitter, author of [Read more...] about The Ageless Anomaly Phenomenon
Good Stuff to Know July 2015
Any dose of alcohol combined with cannabis significantly increases levels of THC in blood Cannabis plus alcohol is one of the most frequently detected drug combinations in car accidents, yet the interaction of these two compounds is still poorly understood. A study shows for the first time that the … [Read more...] about Good Stuff to Know July 2015
test … [Read more...] about test
Exercising Everyday Means How Many Days a Week?
I am often asked, "How many days a week should I exercise?" And my answer is always the same: Everyday. Yet everyday doesn't always mean every day! The simple truth is that real life usually doesn't allow exercise every day. Sometimes family comes to visit, sometimes errands really do take all day, sometimes doctor visit eat up all your energy, and sometimes you really can't … [Read more...] about Exercising Everyday Means How Many Days a Week?
What Really Blocks the Good Stuff From You and Your Life?
Maybe you’ve been on the spirituality/metaphysical/Law of Attraction path for quite a while, yet don’t feel as in the flow as you’d like to or that it’s easy to get in the flow, no matter what you know. What’s up with that? You may or may not like what this is really about, but until you take hold of it to help you move forward, you’ll likely stay frustrated in one … [Read more...] about What Really Blocks the Good Stuff From You and Your Life?
Ignore Those “Fantastic Offers”
Every day we see all those extra-ordinary offers on how we can ‘make money’ at home and/or online. Learn to ignore these. After you respond, usually by ‘ordering’ the information, you will be asked for MORE MONEY. The amount you already sent was for simply signing up for the opportunities you might ‘order’ (and pay for) LATER. These opportunists constantly ask for more money … [Read more...] about Ignore Those “Fantastic Offers”