Are we too focused on impressing others? It can feel good to impress others, but sometimes it costs us. Is it always worth the cost? One reason our ego-aspect exists is to provide and serve our self-preservation motivation, which is why ego wants what it wants when it wants it—sometimes with at-any-cost energy underlying it. However, sometimes fear of consequences does come … [Read more...] about Would You Choose a Noble Life Or an Impressive One?
Two Reasons Midlife Women Become Little Old Ladies By Age 65
Little Old Ladies don’t happen just as a result of "getting old". Here are two basic reasons why it happens. They don't understand the value of making lifestyle changes early in life to keep what they have. They don't believe it's possible to manage decline said to be associated with the aging process, and besides, at a young age, who thinks about that kind of stuff … [Read more...] about Two Reasons Midlife Women Become Little Old Ladies By Age 65
This Is Your Mother Speaking – –
Can't-Fail Tips For Old Guys Looking For Love -- But Can't Find It
Tough, In-Your-Face Online Dating Advice From The Woman You Let Get Away By Barbara Morris
Here's What's Inside:
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The Goodness of Grief
I enjoy visiting Miss Alice. She lives on the second floor of the three-story, 90 unit building where I live, love and work. I used to live directly beneath her, on the first floor but I switched apartments so I could have a two bedroom. I had crowded all my “stuff” into a one bedroom and the downsizing had turned into a need for super-sizing so I needed one extra room for a … [Read more...] about The Goodness of Grief
Good Stuff To Know February 2019
High cholesterol levels after Christmas Large quantities of rich Christmas food appear to boost Danes' cholesterol levels. Right after the Christmas break, levels are 20 percent higher than in the summer. Insight into how lifestyle drives ER-positive breast … [Read more...] about Good Stuff To Know February 2019
Everything Has A Reason and A Season
Trees don't struggle to keep their leaves when autumn arrives, nor do they resist new growth in spring. But, resistance to change is how we sometimes or often approach our lives and experiences. Life asks—insists really, that we engage a continuous shedding and new growth aspect. Maybe you're trying to hang onto something it's time to let go of or trying to change something … [Read more...] about Everything Has A Reason and A Season
Bringing More Joy And Happiness Into Your Life
In my travels, I see people unhappy with their relationships, jobs, financial situation, health, the weather, politics, where they live, how they live…the list is endless. I was prompted to write this article from a conversation I was having with my son’s 26-year-old girlfriend who is stressed and very unhappy in her job. I listened to her share how overwhelmed she’s … [Read more...] about Bringing More Joy And Happiness Into Your Life
Declining Senior Center Interest
An article in the local newspaper, "Director hopes to fight senior stigma" documented declining membership at a local senior center because it appears older people don't want to be labeled "seniors." Yaaaay! It should be obvious that one reason for lack of interest is that eligibility for the center starts at age fifty. I am sure they exist but I don't know any 50-year-old … [Read more...] about Declining Senior Center Interest
Volunteer Reviewers Wanted
Volunteer Content Reviewers Wanted: I've written a 5,000-word essay for old guys looking for love. (Somebody needs to tell them how to do it!) I'm providing the piece here if you are interested in reviewing it and giving me your thoughts about it. I'm not looking for grammar correction (although it undoubtedly needs it) -- I would just like ideas about how you think content can … [Read more...] about Volunteer Reviewers Wanted
Why And How Focus On Attracting Is Misplaced
“Attract” is one of the primary buzz-words used to explain how manifestation works. Whichever word you use, you may be putting the “cart before the horse.” I’ve seen and used the words attract, magnetize, match vibrations, alignment—and others. They’re all good words that represent a specific action or dynamic; and it really is only one action being represented, no matter … [Read more...] about Why And How Focus On Attracting Is Misplaced