Linda Brown, at age 80 is traveling around the world. She recently sent this note: "I'm in Chiang Mai, Thailand, early in a hop-on, hop-off backpackers hosteling trip thru Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. I am usually solo in this 3rd round-the-world trip I've been on for 2.5 years of a 4 yr total. I turned 80 in Africa last Sept. I hope to blog more frequently on my [Read more...] about What’s Age Got To Do With It?
Little Lessons About When To Quit
One of the hallmarks of sanity is knowing when to quit. But sometimes, it really does take more than one attempt to get something to work. Even simple things can require more than one try. But how do you know when to keep going and when to give up? This question started when I woke at 4:30 AM a few mornings ago to the friendly chirp of a dying smoke alarm battery. That … [Read more...] about Little Lessons About When To Quit
Group Think And Old Age Decline
Overheard from a healthy 83-year old man: "I am a completely illiterate computer person, not techno savvy at all, I have no idea how to transfer photos from my cameras to the computer, so I will have to wait till a little kid comes over and does it for me." He laughed with a sense of satisfaction, probably thinking he was being "cute". (Old people seem to think it's … [Read more...] about Group Think And Old Age Decline
Good Stuff to Know March 2018
Breast cancer treatments may increase the risk of heart disease Some breast cancer therapies can damage the heart and healthcare providers should carefully monitor breast cancer treatment effects on the heart. Breast cancer survivors, especially older women, are more likely to die from … [Read more...] about Good Stuff to Know March 2018
Book Review: The Tapping Solution
I really don't know what to say about The Tapping Solution by Nick Ortner other than claims that Tapping on specific parts of the body can accomplish amazing things seems too good to be true. The book has received over 800 rave reviews on Amazon and endorsements from a variety of people from all … [Read more...] about Book Review: The Tapping Solution
Are You a Go Getter or a Frequency Holder?
Today’s cultural “norm” favors go-getters, a mold “everyone” is supposed to fit into or desire to. What if you’ve never felt you fit into the go-getter mold? Where do you fit? Maybe here. You’re aware of traditional and mainstream achievement go-getters; we’ll call them Group 1. And there are the adventurous avant-garde and iconoclastic go-getters (Group 2). My many attempts … [Read more...] about Are You a Go Getter or a Frequency Holder?
The Cost Of Having What You Want
While I’m a firm believer you can have whatever you set your mind to, having what you want usually involves "change" in some way. This is particularly true about change that is “good” for you Most people want to be healthy, right? They say they are willing to do some things in the interest of their health. However, most people are also comfortable with their familiar routines … [Read more...] about The Cost Of Having What You Want
Male Misbehavior: “My Age Made Me Do It”
Stan Lee, legendary comics writer behind Spider-Man and other Marvel characters, has been accused of sexual misconduct by several home nurses who used to work for the 95-year-old. I can't make a judgment as to the guilt or innocence of Stan Lee, but there is no question that old men often behave like callow teenagers in their quest for females to soothe their savage souls. … [Read more...] about Male Misbehavior: “My Age Made Me Do It”
Live Better: Scare Yourself
Once you “give up work,” it’s easy to excuse yourself from doing scary stuff. But every time you opt out because something is a bit scary, your life shrinks. Maybe a class looks interesting, but you’re afraid you’ll get lost trying to find where it’s being held. Joining a group that bikes together regularly sounds like fun until you start thinking about falling. And going … [Read more...] about Live Better: Scare Yourself
How Important or Easy Is It to Choose Better Behavior?
It’s become too easy to forget or to ignore the Golden Rule. We can choose to follow the behavior examples we see on “reality” shows or we can be examples of better behavior. A light rain - more like a drizzle - began to fall as I sat reading on my sofa. It was ideal: a good novel, a soft rain, and quiet. Then a young boy walked by my window and stopped. A second young boy … [Read more...] about How Important or Easy Is It to Choose Better Behavior?