I belong to a group of researchers scattered across the US. Some in the group have contacts in Germany, Italy, and Australia. We share information and try to stay abreast of current political and social events that shape or eventually will shape our lives. The different pieces of information from various parts of the US or elsewhere are often similar. For example, before the COVID hoax became a government-sponsored crisis in the US, I’d been receiving articles that warned a COVID epidemic was on the way and that the purpose of the ‘epidemic” was to help drive down the global population and to “protect your health.”
And so, the planned “epidemic” happened. A “nonvaccine -vaccine” was quickly developed and brought to market by several drug makers. It was winter when the flu was usually most virulent, but miraculously, the word “flu” was not heard at the height of the COVID scare. People flocked to their doctors and pharmacists in search of the COVID shot. They got the shot, and many died or were left damaged for life as a result. The point? The COVID crisis did what it was supposed to do. The many deaths served the purpose of reducing the global population. The problem: COVID did not kill enough people to lower the global population effectively. Bill Gates continues to spend billions to bring global population numbers in line with his belief that the globe is approaching nine billion inhabitants, which is not “sustainable.” ( “Sustainable” means “controllable.”)
Bill Gates does not give up on wanting to control the world population. Consider this:
Kim Iverson: “You thought the pandemic health treaty, which gives away our sovereignty, was scary?” she asked, referring to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) proposed pandemic agreement, which is up for a vote by member states next month. “Well, this is almost as bad.”
For sure, the population controllers are not giving up. Here’s one of their latest attempts to destroy humans:
Tennessee Moves to Classify ‘Vaccine Lettuce’ as a Drug
Fortunately (for now):
Tennessee Senate Says “No” To mRNA Vaccines In Food
And so, the next planned global epidemic is waiting in the wings: As a matter of fact. tjhe war is on: Bird flu. WHO, Media Drum Up Fear of Bird Flu Spreading to Humans Several people in the US have succumbed to it, so that’s a warning that something must be done ASAP. Bird Flu Found in Pasteurized Milk From Grocery Stores: FDA. So, Chicken farms have been decimated because chickens have died from Bird flu or were killed to inhibit the spread of the disease to humans. If the government steps in as it did with the COVID hoax, and the media picks up on it non-stop, we are on our way to a rerun of COVID number two. Are food shortages or outrageously costly food on the way? No wonder “preppers” store dried food products as fast as possible.
There Are Just Too Many of Us
The “Climate Control Warriors” are doing their part to control the population. EPA Rule Could Put Small Meat Processors Out of Business — and Leave Consumers Out in the Cold
The EPA’s proposed new limits on how much nitrogen, phosphate, and other pollutants meat processing facilities can discharge into surface waters will disproportionately affect small meat processors, likely forcing many of them to close or sell out to big corporations. We’ve seen what the environmental nuts have done to large meat processors — they burn down the meat packing plant.
Much of the information I’m now receiving is about — hold your breath — EUTHANASIA. If the anticipation of government-approved killing doesn’t make your head hurt, it should.
For sure, different forms of killing in the name of euthanasia are already on the books. Euthanasia is becoming mainline. For example, “Euthanasia campaign now admits when people die – it saves money.” Right now, the prerequisite for euthanasia is that of “unbearable suffering.” The goal is to remove the stigma between life and death. People must be allowed to decide when they are “done with life” and receive assistance in ending their existence.
There is a sickly aging population that has already become an issue because they need affordable care. Senior care is available, but often, you wouldn’t want your parent or partner to experience much of what is mislabeled “care.” Perverse thinking is that old people should be free to end their lives even if there is no unbearable suffering. Let’s encourage them to believe they are “done with life,” say the death docents. Dispatching as many older adults to their eternal reward as quickly as possible would help adjust the global population number downward.
And then there is autism that plays into the population enigma. There is an exploding number of children with autism. How will society care for the children as they reach adulthood and their parents can no longer care for them? What are parents doing to provide for their autistic children’s futures?
Whether or not there is autism in your family, please watch this video about the coming “autism tsunami.” The solution, you may be sure, is the use of euthanasia under whatever guise to hide what it really is.
There are many suggested causes of autism, but I have yet to hear any discussion of the use of ultrasound that many, if not most, pregnant women choose to determine the gender of the unborn child. Think about it — the procedure uses ultrasound waves so powerful that they penetrate the growing fetus, and who knows if those waves do or do not interfere with some stage of fetal development and stop or change it. Ultrasound is like a camera — it takes a picture, and the image is recorded as a sonogram printout. That’s a lot to think about regarding what the procedure might do to a developing human.
Get used to the idea that population control is the goal and euthanasia, natural or created diseases, and climate issues are part of the effort to lead you to an early demise.
To the extent possible, take control of your life. Be prepared to say “NO” to the next “pandemic” rules and lockdowns coming soon to end or take over you and your life.
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