For several years I have jotted items down on my list of things I would do at some time in the future. While living an active, productive life, I could not ‘work in’ all the activities I wanted to do, thus my “someday” list.
I regret that I was too busy to do things that would have added pleasure and accomplishment to my younger years. So, don’t do as I did – do those things that will add to your life NOW! I waited until I was 75 to begin art lessons; how excited I was as I sat and listened and did what the teacher suggested. I was as attentive as any eager 6-year-old in the first grade! I enjoyed this new way to be creative; I could hardly wait to put my ideas on canvas! I splashed the colors on the scenes I saw with my mind’s eye and was thrilled with the results!
With my first five lessons I created two masterpieces (yes!) and then had to admit to another truth. The tremors in my right hand had become too much to enable me to continue my lessons. The brush in my right hand would go wherever it wished instead of the spot I aimed it; I would have to stop my lessons! Oh, that was not in my ‘someday’ plans!
Another someday plan was to learn to sew better. When I was in ‘home economics’ class, (at age 14) the teacher would stand right over me as I struggled to get a sleeve sewed properly in the dress. Knowing that she was watching every stich made me nervous, which would result in mistakes. I don’t like for someone to stand guard while I carry out instructions! Just tell me what to do and then leave me alone! I will learn more from ‘trial and error’ than from someone’s beady eyes watching every move. Now, as I near 82, I have voluntarily stopped driving and cannot attend sewing classes offered to adults at the junior college 25 miles away.
That is only two of my someday plans gone wrong; I waited too late! My advice is to make time for those creative things you might enjoy! You might discover a new talent that you didn’t even know you had! It might be only a hobby or, who knows, you could start a new career with something you will enjoy doing! After the kids have grown up and left home for whatever reason, you might have the answer to ‘what am I gonna do now?’ What could be better than doing something you truly enjoy, versus going to a 9 to 5 job that you hate and every day is another ‘reach for courage’ just to get going?
Yes, I am sorry that I waited so long but you can learn from my mistake. DECIDE what you really like to do, then learn how to do it better! Go to classes, get a degree if you want, but do something now so you can look forward to your days instead of having a dread of tomorrow! I had to LEARN that life CAN be exciting!
I can remember when I hated my life, was disappointed in myself and with my life. I saw no hope for the future. I was surely the biggest failure who ever breathed! Even though I didn’t love me, I was reminded that God does. My first reaction was, ‘hey, if He loves me, then I must be worth loving!’ From then on, I looked at myself as one who was loved and given certain abilities. Only then did I see any hope for my future as I slowly faced the challenge that I was a capable, creative person instead of the failure that I had believed.
I can’t tell you how that thought changed my life! It is so exciting to look forward to tomorrow! There is no telling what wonderful things might happen!

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