When I was coaching and working with people on yearly business planning it was so daunting to look at a 12-month plan and even more daunting to imagine sticking to it. People would get excited about the plan and at the same time they wanted to give up because imagining the end result in 365 days was overwhelming.
One of my mentors shared with me the “90-Hustle”. That was a game changer for me and for those I worked with.
Instead of working on an overwhelming 12-month plan, we’d work in a short 90-day window. I believe most people can stay focused for 90 days, right? The formula below will help you create whatever you want with less stress, more focus and greater success.
#1: Bulletproof Clarity
Clarity is the engine that drives success. The way you get this clarity is to simply hardwire this into your nervous system and write your goal in present tense like it has already been accomplished 90 days from now. I would urge you to push yourself but also recognize what is possible and stay within the realm of practicality. None of us are going to become Paul McCartney, Tom Brady, or Picasso in 90 days… however, we can be the superheroes of our daily lives with no problem.
The hardest part of this is distilling this down to your top 1-3 most important outcomes and objectives. Over 90% of people that I coached, could not articulate their 90-day goal with any clarity. And when I can get them to do that, it is game on.
#2: Commitment to Action
Now that you have your goal or the crystal-clear outcome, the only thing you should obsess about is what actions are needed to happen every single day for the next 90 days for that outcome to come true. The action needs to be (1) attainable: you should have the capability to do it and (2) accountable: meaning you should be able to say a clear yes/no on whether you did it. That’s it. Let’s not over-complicate our lives. Action drives momentum. Momentum drives results.
#3: Streaks of Accountability
For some reason people have an internal struggle with accountability. Meaning, we want it because we know it works. We also don’t want it because it’s psychologically draining (the daily reporting and mental beating of not following through.)
However, let’s do it for 90 days. Let’s build a 90-day accountability streak where you have an accountability partner. It’s someone you need to report results to daily. Professional accountability is the best because when you pay someone you pay attention since there’s skin in the game and there’s pain associated with parting with money…there’s a little bit more commitment.
We’ll whine. We’ll complain. We’ll give all sorts of excuses why we didn’t do what we say we will. One reason for this is the goal isn’t important enough. If you don’t accomplish it who cares. BUT we’re doing this in baby steps and if we just need to do just do 1 thing daily that’s perfect. Overwhelm can kill goals. Give that some thought.
Commit to your 90-day accountability streak.
#4: Ruthless Daily Debrief
Can you be brutally honest with yourself on a daily basis… before you go to bed at night, can you give yourself an honest evaluation of whether you did what you were supposed to do without a story?
Remember, there is no A for effort in the 90-day hustle. You either did the work or you didn’t. That’s it. Keep it that simple because action drives momentum, and momentum drives results.
The sooner you fall in love with results, the faster your life will change.
Each and every one of us dodges the self-review but that is the most amazing part. When you can do it, your life changes instantly. You course correct instantly. You change your life just by choosing higher standards for yourself.
#5: Singularity of Focus
When you embark on the 90-day Hustle nothing is more important because you have chosen a path to greatness. It’s not a cleanse you can stop mid-way. It is not a juice fast. There is no cheat day. It is a 90-day push toward transformation.
While the rest of the world gets distracted on their social media feed, gets FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) looking at someone else’s life, or binge watches their favorite Netflix show, you are showing yourself and the world that transformation is possible in 90 days and that you care about nothing else. As easy as this may sound it’s hard to wrap your head about being this focused.
Your focus is only this. Your priority is only this. Your commitment is only this. You are breathing, eating, sleeping, only this. because you want this so bad. You want to create this bigger and better future for yourself so much that everything else is irrelevant. Welcome to your singularity of focus.
That my friends is a simple formula to getting anything done in 90 days.
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