Nothing Can Keep Me Down!
In mid-1983, my Mother announced that she would help me by purchasing a home for myself and my five children. I was newly married to husband number two. I was thirty-five years old and had spitefully told God that I…
I Got Nuthin!
I cannot pull an article together this month: I got nuthin’. Actually, the real problem is that I HAVE TOO MUCH I want to say, but it’s “unripe fruit on the vine.” Unripened fruit isn’t as pretty. It’s flavor isn’t…
What Does Age Appropriate Really Mean?
As we age, I hear the term “age-appropriate ” applied to just about anything. I hear it relating to fashion, hair and makeup, music preferences, how we should eat and live, and so on. My question is, are we standing…
Your Smart Watch is Killing You
Over 100 million Americans wear smart watches or health devices to monitor their health. I was one of them . . . Not anymore. In fact, they’ve also become very popular with children, many of whom will show up after…
NO! NO! NO! The HOA Wants Me To Paint My House!!
You have probably seen a phone company commercial featuring Ted Danson. In it, he’s on a step ladder painting a house orange. Along comes a straight-laced older woman, yelling at him, “Youhooooo ! No no no, no! You can’t do…
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