Q: Which do you want first, the good news or the bad?
A: I’ll give you the bad news first then the good, along with hope through real evidence you might have imagined as not feasible or possible.
I’ve switched gears, in part, this month – because of something I saw and how it relates to what I’m learning about lately. It started when I saw a construction fence erected around a large segment of a parking lot at a nearby multi-storied orthopedic hospital that’s next to a multi-storied standard medical facility and a multi-storied cardiac facility – but now they’re expanding?
Seeing this forthcoming expansion in progress brought to mind a different segment of the city where, when I was growing up, there were many offices related to the oilfield business, as well as many unrelated commercial businesses. For decades, at one end of this area, there was also a one-story medical building with doctors and lab facilities, which is now a multi-storied medical building with an enclosed walkway connecting it to a multi-storied hospital that continues to spread upward like a tree and outward like a spilled liquid. In fact, block after block after block of this formerly commercial area is now mostly medical-related buildings. There are, of course, numerous other hospitals and facilities located all over the city and surrounding area.
Q: In a city+county with a total population of around 248,000 as of 2022, and even though some from other counties sometimes come here, why is there such a need for so many medical facilities?
A: Because health is not their business—illness is.
You’ve heard the commercials on TV by companies that are now forced by law to tell people the dangers of taking their drugs. Either you or someone you know has been given a prescription or treatment that creates more problems, to which another drug or two are added to deal with the side-effects, which leads to other side-effects and another drug or two. This continues until kitchen counter tops are loaded with bottles and someone either at the pharmacy or a helper has to fix the pill schedule because there are so many to keep track of (and maybe lately, surprise-surprise, the person is acting more and more confused or fog-brained).
And the side-effects may be either a temporary inconvenience or a more permanent reduction of physical and or mental health and well-being, or flat out kill them, or lead them to commit suicide. That’s another possible side-effect often mentioned in the commercials. And have you ever counted how many medical-related commercials are sometimes squeezed into one commercial break?! Talk about your predictive programming! You know who decrees it’s flu season? Pharma!
As I pondered this reality, I thought about how two remarkable women—Vicki Joy Anderson and April Lockhart—are changing this—as Vicki Joy calls it—medical bondage, for themselves by doing something that costs nothing but has healed diseases, including “incurable” ones, cancers, and other life-impacting maladies that will surprise you. I’ve provided ways for you to learn what this is about below. For now, please see what’s next.
Excerpt from this Joe Rogan/Dr. Means interview at Joe Rogan Goes Quiet as Dr. Casey Means Drops a Series of Disturbing Health Stats – Vigilant News Network
- “74% of Americans are overweight or obese.”
- “Young adult cancers are going up 79% in the last 10 years.”
- “25% of men now under 40 have erectile dysfunction.”
- “50%, now, of American adults have type 2 diabetes or prediabetes. These were diseases where there was 1% of Americans in 1950 had type 2 diabetes. Now it’s 50% of Americans have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.”
- “Alzheimer’s, dementia are going through the roof.”
- “Young adult dementias have increased, like, three times since 2012. So early onset dementias.”
- “One in two Americans are expected to have cancer in their lifetime now, one in two.”
- “One in 36 children has autism now, in the United States. That was one in 150 in the year 2000.”
- “In California, where I live, [Autism rates are] one in 22. One in 22 with a lifetime neurodevelopmental disorder.”
- “Infertility going up 1% per year.”
- “77% of young Americans can’t serve in the military because of obesity or drug abuse.”
- “Autoimmune diseases. Some studies are saying they’re going up 13% per year.”
- “Heart disease, which is almost totally preventable, is the leading cause of death in the United States, killing around 800,000 people per year.”
“It’s basically like all of us are a little bit dead while we’re alive,” Dr. Means said.
When “Big Tobacco” companies saw the decline in smoking, they bought food companies that had been long trusted by U.S. citizens as being providers of products safe for them and their families. I pray you’ll read the entire writing offered at this link or watch the video. From a report/interview by Dr. Mercola at Calley Means – The Hidden History of Our Modern Food System: How Big Tobacco Shaped What We Eat (mercola.com) “To push their new addictive foods, the industry employed the same lobbying tactics that had kept tobacco ‘safe’ for decades. They funded biased research from prestigious institutions like Harvard to claim sugar doesn’t cause obesity. But this wasn’t just about changing recipes.”
Did you know the tobacco industry created the food pyramid so detrimental to our health? Neither did I—till now. And if you’re unfamiliar with the role John D. Rockefeller played in the “health” (and more) of you and your loved ones, you’ll read a bit about that in Mercola’s report as well.
October 17, 2024, I happened upon a live Glenn Beck program on YouTube. After you read this description from that page, you may also want to watch the video. Description: “You don’t have to be a “crunchy granola” liberal to notice American health is in major decline. There are 129 million Americans — one-third of the country — who have at least one major chronic disease; 42% of Americans have two or more chronic conditions, 12% of Americans have at least five. Per the CDC, this began around two decades ago and is a ‘trend that is expected to continue.’ RFK Jr. has been one of the loudest voices sounding the alarm. After he joined the Trump campaign to help kick-start a “Make America Healthy Again” movement, Glenn’s researchers began to dig into some of his claims about Big Food and Big Pharma. And the corruption they found was shocking. It is absolutely insane how many chemicals have been baked into our FDA-approved foods over the past 20-plus years. We are rotting to death. How did this happen? It all leads back to Big Tobacco … and money. Lots of it. Glenn interviews Calley and Casey Means, the brother and sister who went viral after appearing on Joe Rogan’s show and testifying in front of the U.S. Senate. They’re on a mission to expose the corrupt players at the top levels of government and industry who are overseeing what Casey, a Stanford-trained medical doctor, describes as a “genocidal health collapse.” Calley, a former Big Food and Big Pharma insider, says exposing the causes behind our chronic disease epidemic is not a left-vs.-right issue: ‘It’s Americans vs. the uniparty.’ This election is about more than lower taxes, reduced spending, and immigration. It’s about the lives of our children and the soul of our country. RFK Jr. and Trump are right; it is way past time to Make America Healthy Again.” (204) Make America Healthy Again: The Chemicals Poisoning Your Food EXPOSED! | Ep 386 – YouTube
If you’ve paid attention to the “you will eat insects” globalists are pushing, to the point of putting insects in our foods already, here’s one such ingredient you want to know about about: ACHETA POWDER, which is cricket. There are others, but you can look them up. People with shellfish allergies need to know such information, because some insects they’re using will cause the same reaction. And I doubt the globalists use only insects God said are considered clean ones to eat, not that we’re looking to do so.
If you’ve ever wondered if or why God was serious about His food commandments, which—sorry, folks, did not end when the New Covenant was put into effect through Jesus’ sacrifice, know this: He has His reasons for these commandments for that time and this time. Jesus never ate the foods He told us not to eat, either while alive or after He was resurrected, including when He returned for the 40 days and ate with His followers. To be clear: the clean/unclean food commandments are not about having a legalistic, religious spirit or about God putting a burden on people, but about having a way to generate and maintain physical/mental-health protection by a loving God and Father.
None of His apostles, disciples, or converts during that time ever ate what God said are unclean foods. WHY?! Because God said so, and God always has a valid reason for saying, “Don’t do that!” He is a Warrior, not whimsical. So, no—the three sheets with the unclean animals was not about food, it was God getting Peter’s attention for when the three (unclean Pagan) Gentiles showed up to get him to go with them to see Cornelius just as the vision ended. It was about allowing Gentiles to be converted, saved/made clean by the blood of Jesus, and become His disciples. Too many stop after reading that God told Peter He was making clean what had previously been unclean; they need to keep reading to see that Peter states clearly what this is about: Gentiles, not foods. And the other food reference people use is about Pagan rituals and foods, and absolutely not God saying “eat whatever you want, I changed my mind.” In one of the longer Vicki Joy/April videos, they cover why God said No to some foods and Yes to others—hints we missed and, thus, didn’t understand God’s reasons about this.
Since we’re talking about food, I’ll address one obvious reason for the exponential increase of medical facilities here (and wherever this applies): Diet. This area is big on eating the foods God said not to eat. Many of those foods are the financial foundation of many families here, through generations, including pork. What does Jesus say about pork? Well, along with other mentions in His Word, He brought it up twice in Isaiah. Example, Isaiah 66:17 CJB reads, “‘Those who consecrate and purify themselves in order to enter the gardens, then follow the one who was already there, eating pig meat, reptiles [like alligator, etc.] and mice, will all be destroyed together,’ says ADONAI.” His words, not mine.
Pork carries four dangerous parasites, including one that causes some to consider suicide. Parasites are, more and more, now being linked to cancer. I know about a man whose blood tested clear of cancer, who, to prove a point, then ate pork and retested his blood a number of minutes later: Cancer was now found in his blood. God is not whimsical; He’s protective—if we’ll obey Him. As He warned us, obedience brings blessings—even about clean/unclean foods!
FYI: You might consider one reason “some” made such a fuss about Ivermectin during “THAT TIME” is because Ivermectin purges parasites from the body, and, so I’ve heard, some using it for YOU KNOW WHAT who also had cancer, were being cured. Fast. HOWEVER—and this is BIG, please watch this 23-minute must-see discussion about relying on Ivermectin, even though it’s completely effective against parasites: (231) Demons & Parasites Ep5 #demons #parasties #autoimmune #divinehealing #fasting #spiritualwarefare – YouTube
Here’s one of those things that makes you go, “Hm…?” I thank my sister for bringing this to my attention. Some know why these events are happening: Numerous, continuous food recalls; food-plant fires; and culling of beef, chicken, eggs, and more. Some of you don’t know, and would consider our tin-foil hats are on too tight. Be that as it may, why is there never a recall or destroying fire or culling of what God said we’re not to eat? Food for thought.
So far, you’ve read some of how a particular group of people decided our poor health (which they in part created and or facilitate) is wildly profitable for them, even to the point of making us akin to the walking dead or, as the old joke goes, The surgery/treatment was a success, but the patient died. Is there hope? You bet there is!
I’m delighted to better introduce you to Vicki Joy Anderson and April Lockhart. I invite you to watch Vicki Joy’s testimony on a Zoom call, about how doing a particular fast cured her many autoimmune diseases she dealt with for 11 years, and so much more, including rosacea—in a ten-day period! I promise you won’t be bored and will be amazed at what you learn about parasites causing so many of our health issues, even cancer, as I mentioned—and something unexpected that happened for her: Fasting Cured my Auto Immune! #fasting #autoimmune #vickijoyanderson #hearthewatchmen (youtube.com)
Should you be interested in the Upton Sinclair audio book Vicki Joy mentioned, here’s that link. Wait until you hear what all gets cured with this method. You may be able to listen to it all at once, or as I did, in time blocks: The Fasting Cure AudioBook by Upton Sinclair (youtube.com)
HOWEVER, maybe the thought of fasting doesn’t appeal to you. OR, perhaps you have “good reason” to believe you cannot or should not fast – EVER. Is it really a good reason, or is a lie being believed at the expense of your health and life? Before you decide which, please watch this 22-minute video from Vicki Joy and April. What April shares is stunning! Please don’t miss this one! You always want to make an informed decision, not a fearful, misinformed one: (212) Demons & Parasites Ep4 #demons #parasties #autoimmune #divinehealing #fasting #spiritualwarefare – YouTube
I encourage you to watch each episode of the Vicki Joy/April series about parasites and fasting. They’re so informative and interesting. You’ll learn something in each one. To make viewing them easier, I included the links for the 5 current videos, as of this last week of October 2024, at the very end of this article. Two of them are repeats of some included above, but together below for your convenience.
Maybe you’re wondering if I’ve done any of this fasting. Yes, but not as yet to the degree these two women have. As both women say, this has to be done with a measure of prudent awareness. You need information that’s accurate, preferably from people who can share their personal experiences, and why I’m so pleased to be able to provide the links above and below. I can tell you that even in my new, limited experience that included a test-run 12-hour dry fast for 30 days to get me started and recently a 24-hour dry fast, I did experience benefits, enough to encourage me to continue (just finished my second one). Right now, my purpose and results are mostly about my physical well-being, but I intend to build up my “fasting chops,” as it were, so I can do these to get closer to my Lord Jesus through doing them, as these women have done. For now, I’m doing a 24-hour biblical fast many Jesus followers do that begins on Wednesday evenings and ends the same time on Thursdays. I prefer to make these dry fasts (FYI: One 24-hour dry fast is equivalent to a 3-day water fast).
As Vicki Joy said in her Zoom testimony, in her pursuit of health, she found herself in medical bondage. Here are several more videos worth your time and attention – BUT ONLY IF YOUR OWN HEALTH OR THAT OF A LOVED ONE IS SIGNIFICANT TO YOU.
Vicki Joy/April 1hr,42 min: (157) Parasites – YouTube
2hr,42 min: (157) Fasting – A Deeper Look with SPECIAL GUEST Vicki Anderson & April Lockhart – YouTube
Pastor Shane Idleman says America has spiritual as well as physical cancer: My First 40 Day Fast / Shane Idleman
Important to realize, which Jamie Walden expresses in very precise ways in this 34-minute video, is that this isn’t solely physical warfare by the pharmaceutical and tobacco/food industries and their minions or the globalists and their minions. No. This warfare is born out of the umbrella of spiritual warfare. If you aren’t aware of this or don’t believe this to be anything but a conspiracy theory but do believe you’re a Christian, that’s proof that spiritual warfare is effective. (200) SEEKER SENSITIVE DECEPTION (Part 2): ARE YOU REALLY PREPARED? with Jamie Walden – YouTube
If you or someone you love is in ill-health and or medical bondage, which is in fact, spiritual warfare by the Enemy against those made in God’s image, I hope you’ll read this article again and visit each link provided. Take all of this to God in prayer, for yourself and or for others. Trust that as He promised, He will never leave you or forsake you. God be with you and yours.
Vicki Joy/April Series: Demons & Parasites Ep1 #demons #parasties #autoimmune #divinehealing #fasting #spiritualwarefare / Demons & Parasites Ep2 #demons #parasties #autoimmune #divinehealing #fasting #spiritualwarefare / Demons & Parasites Ep3 #demons #parasties #autoimmune #divinehealing #fasting #spiritualwarefare / Demons & Parasites Ep4 #demons #parasties #autoimmune #divinehealing #fasting #spiritualwarefare / Demons & Parasites Ep5 #demons #parasties #autoimmune #divinehealing #fasting #spiritualwarefare
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