Thanks to an unpublished 1935 manuscript written by her father, Linda Brown knows what occurred aboard The Seth Parker, a famous depression-era radiobroadcast ship during its ill-fated voyage between Pago Pago, American Samoa and Hawaii. A mutiny, led by her father and two other officers, prevented the new owners’ planned scuttling for insurance purposes and the death of all hands. Linda Brown hopes to unite descendents of the native Samoan crew to celebrate each life which subsequently depended upon that mutiny-at-sea. To date, this most-recent Bounty story is unknown but a little later in her second solo around-the-world backpacking journey she plans to change that by pitching her resulting script, The Insatiable Sea, to the Australian Film Industry. Linda Brown is the author of three books, eight movie scripts, and two websites: www.heyboomers.comand
I’m the nearly 75, launching my next around-the-world, open-ended, solo trip, planning to pitch a movie script in Australia.
Somewhere ahead, the inevitable day awaits when my trip ends and I must figure out where Home will be. Where, indeed? Where do I want it to be? For too many years, that answer has been influenced by which family member needed me to see them through their final illness: three years in my mother’s house; eight years in my disabled son’s home. His fine, Florida home is now owned by my daughter “to keep for Mom” but rented out annually, so that I can go a-roving. As I pack up now, I know that I don’t want to return to this same isolation. But, I also know my own need for solitude and optional privacy. I also don’t want to settle-in too close to my family members.
Where will I go when I “come home?” How do I research this when I am off exploring lands across the sea? Can Americans fall in love with spots in New Zealand, Australia, or other countries? Become ex-pats? Where should I look in America? How have other mature womenfound their paradise or is that just some ad-writer’s claim?
A dream-spot for me would have:
– Rental or Leasing options, rather than purchasing; condo-style apartments or even hotel-type quarters with a variety of budgets in mind.
– Ideas or Common Themes appeal to me much more than Activities. A Writer’s Retreat or a Theater Community rather than a golf or tennis environment. For me, personally, a move-in-tomorrow choice would be a community based upon metaphysical issues…a place where everyone is a little bit psychic and loves to discuss life after death questions. Like being in a constant conference just to live among your neighbors.
– A Singles Community, where dating and romance is not out of the question and where females don’t outnumber the males??? Ha! Has that ever existed? But where couples provide balance and definition, as well.
– A place where car ownership is unnecessary due to plentiful public transportation.
– A town or area that’s a pleasure to be a part of and which provides a reason to be there…beauty, friendliness, uniqueness of scenery and location. Something going for it and not just podunk.
– A turnkey type of accommodation, allowing an ease of being at home or away.
This is what I need to find. Me and a jillion others. Can readers help provide some answers?
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