Warning: Some of the links provided here are shocking and not for children and may save you spiritually and even physically. I pray you will give each one your consideration.
First, something I look forward to every Friday is that Jamie Walden’s mom, Lisa, posts a from-the-heart faith-based message on her Facebook page. In a recent post, Lisa offered a suggested prayer that applies to the times we’re in more than it may appear at first blush:
Father, help me understand how much Jesus loves me, then help me to love as He loves.
I ask you to linger over that prayer for just a moment, before moving on, and then over the following questions: Do you believe in God’s love for you by His grace, or do you believe you have to earn it by your works? What about your love for Him, and is this even a concern for you?
At this time, spiritual warfare is ramping up. Is this even a concern for you? If so, do you know what to do about it? Sadly, too many Shepherds (pastors, etc.) have abandoned the Sheep (people) whom Almighty God/Yahweh Elohim appointed them to cover in protection with the New Covenant as well as teach them/us how to walk in it. Candidly, how much do you personally understand the New Covenant and therefore have full faith in it?
I can’t comment about this failing by Shepherds any better than how Pastor Rob Pue does in his article, https://newswithviews.com/were-you-expecting-a-red-wave-with-the-same-easily-manipulated-electronic-voting-machines/ . Here’s an example from his article: “As go the pulpits, so goes the nation. Our pastors’ lack of courage to address the vital issues of the day, and teach their people what the Bible has to say about all these matters is THE sole reason our country is now in total collapse.
Forget the “slippery slope” we were on in the 1980s and ’90s. We’ve long since descended into the abyss. That “slippery slope” is now just a pleasant memory of days gone by… we only WISH we could go back, and have the guts to do something to avert the disaster that is 2022.” I pray you will read and consider all of Pue’s passionate, inspired words in this article and his other one I provide a link to below.
God said His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Here’s something that too few are aware of, and it is spiritual warfare against humans we are unprepared to contend with in our own power. Only God’s grace and power can cause us to deal victoriously with this, and in a way according to His perfect will and purpose for each of us. You won’t see or learn most of these verified facts via mainstream media, or perhaps even in your church, but you will see efforts by some to discredit the truth and its conveyors, sadly, perhaps even in your church.
If you’ve not seen Stew Peters’ documentary, Died Suddenly, please consider doing so—ASAP. If you’ve already taken IT, and the others, repent. If you had or currently have anything to do with IT, and the others, repent. And pray on behalf of all impacted by IT/THEM and the deceptive destruction involved. It torments me to think of how many have and will die, including suddenly, in their sins, condemned to eternity in perdition, all of it a deliberate strategy by the Enemy of God and therefore us.
Please—don’t be one of them, if you are indeed at risk. Here’s a link for that video, available for viewing at no cost (scroll down to video): https://diedsuddenly.info/
I promise my intention is not drag anyone down, but to inspire the uninformed to become informed, and casual Christians and the unsaved to seek the face of God and deepen their understanding of His New Covenant and great love. With that disclaimer, here is yet another writing from Rob Pue: https://newswithviews.com/what-are-you-worried-about/
Too many of us do not understand the New Covenant. This is why false Shepherds (“wolves in sheep’s clothing”) can get so many who call themselves Christians to ignore what God says love is and, instead, stand with what society, influenced/ruled by Satan, says it is. Their simultaneous desire is to force every true Messiah Yeshua/Jesus follower to be silent in the face of these lies or agree with them and betray Almighty God/Yahweh Elohim in order to save their lives. Many Christians have built their faith upon sand rather than bedrock—the true Rock of Ages revealed in the Word of God (Matthew 7:24-27). Oh, that everyone would read Romans 1 and believe God says what He means and means what He says! https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans%201&version=CJB
Those with “eyes to see” do see what is going on in our country and in the world. For those who do see and for those who need to wake up, here’s this (be sure to keep reading past all the ads): https://newspunch.com/klaus-schwab-god-is-dead-and-the-wef-is-acquiring-divine-powers/ . By the way, for those who don’t know, all of what’s happening these days is prophesied in the Bible.
“But ultimately, our focus is not on the awful condition of society. You see, a true watchman doesn’t just warn of the sword, he also proclaims the covenant promises of God. Our focus in speaking these things isn’t to scare you by prophesying what is coming. Rather, it is to prepare you for it all. And to do that, we will speak to you about God’s plan for His people in the midst of the chaos. He wants His holy remnant to know His heart toward them.” – From David Wilkerson’s book, It Is Finished (cover shown below)
We humans, more frail in certain strengths than many care to admit, struggle with New Years’ resolutions—and usually lose. How well do you think we will do as spiritual warfare intensifies if we do not understand God’s New Covenant and what it means for us? Like many of you, I thought I knew: I didn’t! I thank and praise our Almighty God and Father that He appointed and anointed certain Shepherds, to facilitate learning what we need to, to inform our spirits, hearts, and minds about this.
I offer, below, links and a book that will assist any of you who truly hunger and thirst for a more intimate relationship with our LORD, no matter how long you’ve already been engaged in one with Him—or need to get into one now, as well as to truly grasp what His New Covenant means for us as individuals and as His Ecclesia.
Brothers and sisters in Messiah Yeshua/Jesus, the Enemy knows his time is short. It’s why everything is moving toward destruction and death—and why this current move toward DEPOPULATION is in no way about the lie of climate change. In order to stand strong and with full trust in our Almighty God, we need to know Him, and to stand in all faith, wisdom, and discernment that can come from Holy Spirit alone, especially regarding the New Covenant.
I pray that by His grace and mercy, He nudges you to read the book shown below and to watch the informative, profoundly powerful New Covenant teaching series that complements the book, providing information Holy Spirit gave to Pastor David Wilkerson. This video link is for Part 1 of 6, but will rotate into each next video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3E0K8-8pM&list=PLhVRO_6oxvU7b5NuPM5tvGOhngIoWRpqe
The companion book by David Wilkerson (and please see the prayer below this image)
May Holy Spirit strengthen us in all truth and righteousness. May we hold this prayer sincerely in our hearts, and may our Almighty God/Yahweh Elohim respond with all speed:
Father, help me understand how much Jesus loves me, then help me to love as He loves.
Amen! What an awesome article, filled with truth. The better you know your enemy and how he thinks, the easier it will be to fight him effectively.
We are not taught what we need to know in these last days by those in the position to teach us. We have shepherds who gather their sheep into the fields, but don’t feed them the food they need to survive. Even worse, they don’t watch to make sure they don’t eat poisonous weeds that can cause their death (spiritually).
The articles and videos recommended in this article will wake you up if you are still asleep.
Thank you, Joyce Shafer, for your dedication to spreading the truth and warning those still unaware.