My children are now adults with families of their own. Seems strange to think of them as grandparents but that is a fact. There are now twelve great-grandchildren, with #13 due next January.
Of course, these are the smartest and best looking kids to be found anywhere! All of them are exceptional in different ways; each already showing special God-given abilities. The bad news is that most of them live 500 miles from me and I don’t get to see them often……once a year for some, others not at all.
We communicate by telephone, emails or Facebook – BUT for me that is not enough. I want to spend time with them, get to know them as individuals. Of course, I realize that this is not possible. In the past I saw them more often. At age 80, I stopped driving (voluntarily) and now visiting seems to be out.
I never knew grandparents. By the time I was born, the youngest of eight, all grandparents had already passed away. I always longed for a ‘grandma’; I thought that I must have missed something wonderful.
In the selfish way of children, I always thought that a grandma would especially love me. Grandpas are okay but I thought that a grandma would be more loving. I am amazed by the thoughts and ideas that we have. Some grandpas might be more ‘stand-offish’ but some might not be.
As I follow the activities of my grandchildren, I am amazed and pleased by their accomplishments. They are, apparently, being taught many important things about life and living. Of course, I am proud of each of them and often wonder what wonderful things the future might bring to them. I know, too, that they will have times of disappointment. That is entirely normal and possibly necessary to teach them (as well as each of us) how to appreciate the blessings we already have. Too often, young as well as old, take too much for granted, as if we deserve all that we have.
Along the way of living we get stronger and we try to use this strength to teach and share the most important lessons with loved ones. Sometimes this works, sometimes it might not. We accept that fact and continue on.
Each generation has special times of trials and/or joy. What was true when I was a young girl means little now. The present generation faces many things that didn’t exist fifty or sixty years ago. Actually, I am glad that I am not young now. It must be more difficult for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We can only pray that each can face whatever the days might bring – and enjoy the victory of their choices.
We must remember to keep them in our prayers, so that they will have the wisdom and guidance necessary for their obligations. This world is getting tougher to understand; most of us might ‘muddle’ through. At least we have more years of experience than our grandchildren They will need all the help they can get.
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