“In January 2008, Random House published Zimbardo’s impressive yet chilling study on the subject in a book titled The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil. In it, Zimbardo, who was called as an expert psychologist to testify during the trial of one of the Abu Gharib guards, dismantled what happened at that military facility while also reflecting on his earlier Standford experiment to conclude that wherever conditions allow for what he calls ‘deindividualization,’ the foundations for the towers of evil are laid and a line between good and evil can be crossed in nearly any heart.” – Excerpt from Blood on the Altar by Thomas Horn and contributing authors [Bold emphasis mine.]
Deindividualization is another word for dehumanize. There are myriad ways to dehumanize each other, some of which I list later. Standard definitions mention what’s done to others to cause them to feel less human. That’s only half of it, in my opinion. Why do I say that? Recipients of such abuse are still human, battered but human. It’s the perpetrators and those who promote and enable them who are the true dehumanized individuals—and, to some extent, the gullible who too easily fall for the deceptive practice of dehumanizing others. Something to consider is found in Amos 3:3 (CJB): “Do two people travel together without having so agreed?” It’s time each of us pauses to give that question more thought, as Almighty God means us to. For example . . .
Worse, perhaps, are those of us who see what’s happening and say and or do nothing, not even weep and pray from brokenheartedness about such matters. This is yet another trap of the Adversary made easy to fall into. I mean, which of us looks for ways to volunteer to be uncomfortable or unpopular? Although there seems to be disagreement about whose quote this is, it’s appropriate: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Even that sentiment is a result of what David Wilkerson refers to as “The Love Trap” in his video linked several paragraphs from here. He prophesied accurately all those years ago about the “judge not” and “love others” words being currently used as a weapon against, and even by, Christians and Christian claimants, mostly to keep us silent in the face of great evil—or justify why we stay silent, even with what’s being done to children. Wilkerson’s prophesy is not merely interesting, it’s about these days we live in.
Question: How many steps does it take for a Christian to begin to move toward being dehumanized away from the true image and Heart of God in spirit and practice? One: The first one and every step afterward, especially taken to avoid inconvenience or ridicule. We can probably readily abuse a line of Scripture, poorly “divided,” to support us in this and convince us we stand in the right, when we’re not standing at all, much less in what Father God views as Righteousness and as Messiah Jesus commands us. Almighty God and Father, forgive us and give us the grace to stand with You rather than stand back! If we step forward, Your Word says You will then strengthen us to do You Will, not ours. Help us to magnify and glorify You and Your Holy Name.
Perpetrators, enablers, and the gullible (and the fearful) may say right words and phrases to convey false compassion along with “Don’t believe your lying eyes just because what I do doesn’t match what I say.” In this, we observe one side of our political/cultural spectrum saying, “Words are violence,” publicly claiming those offended by such “violence” have a right to “fight back,” and then see their followers use physical violence, even unto death and destruction, in response to words they don’t want to hear or see. US professor fired after machete threat to New York Post reporter – BBC News .
Dehumanization doesn’t always include overt violence, however. As I finalize this writing, it’s Memorial Day. Even though it’s a time we remember and honor those who gave their lives for our freedom, we can’t forget our veterans. Is it humanizing or dehumanizing to even have cause to see or hear these two words together: Homeless Veteran? So many of our men and women gave of themselves until they lost parts of their bodies and or until running on empty, only to be told they have no home, not even within the larger home they were willing to die for, for us.
Is it humanizing or dehumanizing for even one veteran to be continually placed “in line” behind the ever-increasing number of those who have invested nothing toward the preservation and prosperity of our country and its citizens, who dishonor our law of sovereignty by breaking the law that supports it? Remarkably, millions, billions, and even trillions of dollars can be “found” for whatever someone with the power to do so deems “necessary.” Lest we forget: (516) Home Free – God Bless the U.S.A. (featuring Lee Greenwood and The United States Air Force Band) – YouTube
Which word is more dehumanizing: Homeless or Houseless? There are those who want us to believe Homeless is and that Houseless is more respectful, because, they inform us, there are those who prefer to live on the street. Do they ever ask why this is, and for each individual? House indicates a location with an address. Home, however, represents connection, belonging. The chasm between House and Home is as wide as Mother and Birthing Person or Egg Donor. Or Father and Sperm Donor. Which of those words are Humanizing or Dehumanizing? One is a word filled with meaning and feeling and belonging; the other is a label, like what you might stick on a can of corn. Also dehumanizing is sticking a label that reads Sweet Corn on a can of okra and going after anyone who says, “Um… that’s okra.”
The Border Crisis: Humanizing or Dehumanizing? Let’s see, it involves the following: Breaking a law (on both sides of the border, especially by those who swore an oath they had no intention of keeping and, sadly, those being imposed upon not to keep it); indentured slavery for men, women, and children—often brutal; death by being left to die or murdered in the desert; abandonment of children in the desert, including toddlers; reuse of children too young to speak (to get in then get them back over the border to be used repeatedly, not necessarily by relatives); sex-trafficking, including of children (see the article provided next paragraph); shelter conditions so egregious because of the human tsunami, media is not allowed access or if allowed, the truth is not shown.
And there is the overwhelm: The burdens forced upon border guards placed in an untenable position, some of whom have committed suicide as a result. Crushing of infrastructures of towns and cities, and of those who pay taxes to support services, including medical, they cannot access because they’ve been displaced. Both sides of this human equation are treated like cattle—because that’s how they are seen by those who see themselves as above the rest of us. Remember the motto of those in power regarding what they do: “Listen to what we say; don’t believe your lying eyes.” Although there are factual articles, if you know where to look, here’s a recent one: Arizona-Mexico Border Crisis – News With Views but also see Jim Caviezel’s video in the links below. It’s related in a major way.
What about what’s being done to children: Humanizing or Dehumanizing? One side wants to protect the innocence of children so they mature according to age-old stages of healthy mental, emotional, and sexual growth, as well as physical. They want this care and protection to start when the child is in the womb. They want the child to grow into an individual adult who can think, feel, rationalize, contribute responsibly to family and society. Another side doesn’t see such care as sacrosanct—or traditional family, for that matter. They believe it’s an individual’s right to make significant decisions regarding children, including performing satanic ritual abortions, outside or inside a clinic (as one female satanist who gets pregnant so she can abort at six months wrote, “Satan wants the blood”). They call it “religious freedom,” protected by our Constitution, “Or are you just hypocrites?,” they ask.
What causes a person to see outright slaughter of a healthy developing baby in the womb—or outside of it—as reasonable, justifiable—Constitutional? Or approved by Almighty God, as some apostates now claim to willing itching ears? Dehumanization plays its part: “It’s not a baby, it’s a clump of cells.” Or, “It’s not a baby until parents take it home and say it is.” What about pushing a developing child into genital and or breast mutilation, chemical sterilization, making them a patient for life, basically pharming our children? Terror-Pharming our children. Equally egregious: “These are forms of healthcare; you’re evil if you deny access to them.” Humanizing the Most Vulnerable Promotes Life for All – News With Views Inevitably, you get asked, “You’d force a 10-year-old girl to have a baby?” I wonder what these people say to the cultures who marry 6-year-old girls who become pregnant 9- or 10-year-olds: Crickets. Personally, as a New Age pagan, I was apathetic about this until God awakened my heart after calling me back to him several years ago.
The following are other ways people are treated as dehumanized beings:
-Legalization of shoplifting, leading to major inconveniences and closures: The expense on every level is too high, including for the criminals, though they don’t realize this yet. Society depends on a level of consistency and civility. The destroyers don’t care, both those doing the crimes and those who support their “right” to commit them.
-Legalization of hard drugs and provision of what’s needed (needles, crack pipes, the drugs, etc., even alcohol), including place, even on the street or outside an elementary school, rather than treatment and subsequent assistance that provides people with what’s needed to live a more normal, or at least a healthier, more stable life. We know how most of those “programs” go: follow the money.
-Homelessness that reduces quality of life for everyone; many cities are becoming literal and mental cesspools of inhumanity.
-Isolation: by virtue of lockdowns, inflation, plandemics, and other fear tactics employed by those with agendas, which includes depopulation.
-Electronic device addiction: Leads to lack of social skills, narcissism (big-time!), voluntary isolationism.
-Being chipped, surveilled, tracked.
-Hive-mind, aka group-think.
-Race/Skin color: this time it’s Caucasians (see the link provided below—it’s worth a watch).
-Favoring criminals over their victims.
-Canceling farmers and farms; canceling efficient, cost-effective energy forms; limiting or eliminating meat and substituting unhealthy, disgusting fake meat and bugs (proven bad for those with shellfish allergies); moving toward control of and or elimination of air-conditioning, heating, gas stoves and appliances, rice, affordable means of transportation, and basic human needs and comforts. As the WEF says, “You will own nothing and be happy.” (516) The Great Reset You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy World Economic Forum Commercial AD 2023 – YouTube and John Kerry: Farm Confiscations ‘Not Off The Table’ (technocracy.news)
-Name-calling: Both sides do it, and Messiah Jesus said we’ll all be held accountable for every idle word we speak.
-Condemning and canceling God and faith, and thereby His faithful, calling it a hateful religion, His Word hate-speech, and Him a hateful God. That anyone who follows His Way isn’t really human, not like those who “love” the sinners and accept/celebrate all sin, though call sin a person’s “truth.” Get people far enough away from God, and you’ll always reduce their innate humanity and His image within them. WARNING: I couldn’t get past the first 20 seconds of this video, stopped it, and tearfully cried out to God. But there are those who insist we must accept this as “normal,” especially for our children. If you can’t watch it, you’re in good company. God forgive humans for all we have caused You to watch since the beginning: Queers That Dodgers Invite Does Sick Mock Performance of Jesus on the Cross (disntr.com) … “Many will follow their debaucheries; and because of them, the true Way will be maligned.” – 2 Peter 2:2 CJB
-Insisting we humanize such as what we see in the image at this link: Horned Drag Queen Reads To Kids At Long Beach Library | Long Beach, CA Patch “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who change darkness into light and light into darkness, who change bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter!” – Isaiah 5:20 (CJB)
The above are just some of what’s happening now and planned as our (dystopian) reality. If we promote and or practice and or allow uncivilized behavior, we cannot be surprised if and when civilization crumbles. The glue that holds us together—or is meant to—as individuals, families, friends, church communities, communities where we live, and as a nation is the same glue that kept Messiah Yeshua/Jesus on the Cross: Love. A Warrior’s love of One willing to die to save others, not the wimpy counterfeit pushed these days. By no stretch of the imagination are we to ever believe any nail had the power to keep Him on the cross. Only a great, unfathomable-to-us love for each one of us brought Him off His Throne and into this existence for 33.5 years and to the sacrifice He made to redeem us from Lucifer, who tricked and tricks us into servitude to sin, to keep us from living in the family and glory our Almighty God and Father created us to share with Him.
We read and hear so often these days, “God commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves,” which is followed by calling Christians and Christian claimants unloving, and is in some measure, sadly, accurate. For example, how much love did you feel when you looked at the photo of the horned drag queen, especially reading such material to children? Or even if you only read the title of the horrific Dodgers’ video rather than watched it? How in this evil, corrupt world does Messiah Jesus expect us to feel agape love in response to such things? How can He possibly expect us to do what He did while on the cross, and ask the Father to forgive them as He forgives us? But He does—He insists on it. Almighty God and Father, not by our will or strength, but only by Your grace will we be able to do this.
What about those whom we’d call Woke (and Christian claimants) who scream at Christians, “You’re supposed to love your neighbor as yourself!” How much agape love do they feel and demonstrate for, say, Donald Trump? How loving (or self-loving) are their social-sites posts and memes? How loving are yours/ours? Listen to the genuinely prophetic mention of The Love Trap David Wilkerson speaks of at the 40:50-minute point: (516) David Wilkerson calls out the false prophet by name. End Times #3n1ministry – YouTube FYI: I believe “prophet” should be “prophets.”
When we dehumanize each other, in whatever form that takes, we lose. We lose and we grieve our Almighty God and Father. Who is it that wins?
Blessed is our God, Who opens the eyes of the blind and causes us to see. May He continue to open the eyes of our hearts, especially in regard to a more intimate relationship with Him and how that is to change us. Please be sure to check out the links provided above and below. It’s important to know the plans some have to dehumanize us, and are currently doing so, in the natural realm and the supernatural realm. If you don’t believe it’s happening in the supernatural simultaneously, please revisit your Bible and—
Part 1: Ep. 4446: The Return of the gods & Our Imminent Destruction – Steve Quayle & Jonathan Cahn | May 18, 2023 – Hagmann P.I. (hagmannpi.com) ; Part 2: Shareable Video – A Deeper Revelation The Return Of The Gods? Copyright Steve Quayle | Q Files 2.0 Email: info@qfiles.tv
(507) He’s Right: “What Are We Doing to White People” REACTION – YouTube
World on the verge of a new religion created by AI, historian claims (msn.com)
Your pathos equals your Ethos
Which equals your Logos
Which is rare
Usually people lack
One or two of the three
My friend
A truly inspiring and anointed message by Joyce Shafer. She hits the mark with every message every month. So appropriate for the times we are living in.