Don’t you just love it when someone believes he or she is ‘fooling’ you and you
know they are not? It is so funny that it is difficult not to laugh out loud! I have often been the one to whom others don’t always tell the truth. I would say it might be because I am an old lady; what do I know? I can’t use that excuse as I was told many lies when I was 20 and 30 and continually through the years.
I’m not sure what others see when they see my silver hair. Seems that many immediately have the thought that ‘silver’ and ‘stupid’ mean the same. I am aware that at a certain age, one will never know as much as he/she knows then. What many don’t consider is that many of us ‘old-timers’ have been conned by the best of them; we have been lied to, lied about and have learned many of the ways others have ‘fooled’ us. Don’t even try it; I have already learned that trick.
Sadly, it isn’t just younger people who make this mistake; many professionals also treat an older person as if someone should help them come in from the rain. As one who worked for many YEARS in various business offices, I know when I am not treated in a professional manner. This does nothing to me except I am sad that the ‘professional’ doesn’t seem to know any better, other than to act as if I just fell off the cabbage truck. Wrong again! If you think I will ever suggest your services to a friend, forget it!
I don’t like to spend my time with liars or thieves; I would rather be alone. I also don’t waste my few hours with gossips; I don’t care what others are doing; that is their business and none of mine. I appreciate the fact that the lives of few others affect my life.
It is almost entertaining to have one relative pretend to ‘sleep’, as she lies on the sofa or in the backseat of the car, pretending to be asleep. She complains of being ‘tired’ and will catch a little nap right there. Her eyes might be closed but her EARS are open! She is hoping those around her will say something juicy that she might share with others. After all, she is ‘asleep’ and hears nothing, right? Wrong! I hope that I never get as desperate as that! Even if I had something to say, it would not be where she could hear. I am amazed at the lengths that others will go to prove how smart they are. Sometimes it might just prove how dumb they are!
Gossip is not my thing; I’ve been the subject of it so many years that when I hear something new, I toss it right back out because I am not interested in repeating it to others. Let others live their lives and I will live mine. How sad that many have to be devious, in one way or another, to get much excitement from life. I am thankful that my life IS exciting; I enjoy facing the challenges of each day and am often surprised and pleased by the situations that tend to make my life even better. I wish the same attitude for others.
About Lura Zerick
81-year-old Lura Zerick is the mother of 5, grandmother of 12 and great-grandmother of 7. She was born and raised in the Florida Panhandle and now lives on six acres of woods in S.E. Alabama, near Geneva.
Lura has been involved in writing since 1965. Her articles are published in regional and national magazines. She has authored five books: Who Do You Think You Are? (1989), The Golden Olden Days, (2002), Getting Older and Enjoying It!, 2004, River Villa, 2007 and The House of Esther, 2011. Getting Older and Enjoying It was one of three chosen across the USA to be featured in an article written by Donna Childress and published by the National Council on Aging in the Fall/Winter issue of its publication, INNOVATIONS.
Lura has composed lyrics and music of 70 gospel songs and recorded 15 songs on 2 CDs. She continued to sing until age 80 and does now occasionally. She sang show tunes and popular songs previously in nightclubs, a cruise ship, with several TV guest spots.
She wrote and produced a weekly, then daily, radio program, Encouragement for Today’s Woman; edited and published Living with Hope, a quarterly newsletter using the writings of women across America; co-hosted a 2-hour weekly radio program, The Saturday Morning Show; participated in and co-produced a Sunday afternoon gospel music radio program.
Lura was Executive Editor of a regional magazine, Grassroots South; Editor’s Assistant for an international publication, Journal of Marital & Family Therapy; wrote a newspaper column, Encouragement for Today and wrote features and news articles for various newspapers. Her articles have been published in Alabama Living, Spirit Led Woman, Just Between Us, Writer’s Digest, Mature Living, Christian Single, Army Flier, Army Times, Looking Back and other publications.
Lura is currently working on three books: Bible Quest, Feeding Our Spiritual Selves and Another Woman; Another Well, the story of her life. As a survivor of years of domestic violence, Lura had no idea that her best and most rewarding years were in the future!
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