*Twinkie: Usually a pretty teenage girl or older woman who would like to be or pretends to be a teenager.
These are the facts: Coach Bill Belichick is 73, and Ms. Twinkie is 26. While men in our loony tunes culture snicker and secretly wish they were in Bill’s shoes (or whatever), women who can’t get a date because they are “too old” hate on Ms. Twinkie. Imagine if Bill was 26 and Ms. Twinkie was 73. Ms. Twinkie would be reviled for “cradle robbing,” and Bill would be considered brain dead for appreciating (loving) an older woman.
Can we get over this outdated cultural crap that revolves around “age”?
Will people ever understand that chronological age is nothing more than an “event tracker?” It helps us remember dates and events in our lives — AND THAT’S ALL IT CAN DO. IT HAS NO POWER TO DO ANYTHING ELSE. IT CAN’T MAKE YOU OLD. IT CAN’T CAUSE DECLINE! WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CREATING AND ALLOWING OUR DECLINE.
We allow ourselves to decline for many reasons, but one apparent and most powerful reason is that early in life, we allow ourselves to be controlled by standards of thinking and behavior that exist in our culture. If crappy, nutritionless phony food was a family staple, we ate it. For the most part, our food choices in our youth determine how well we are doing in our later years.
Another cause of decline as we age is eating too much, too much destructive junk, too often. We eat to amuse ourselves or socialize. Seniors, in particular, consider it a social event to eat out with friends, and they do it often, always leaving a tiny tip because they are living on a fixed income and can’t afford to leave more.
Other than faulty food choices, we lived by strict social standards. For example, a man should always be with a younger woman, while a man with an older woman is frowned upon. WHY? One answer may be that men like younger women to validate their belief that they are still young and virile, regardless of what they look like or the condition of their health. (Have you seen bedraggled older guys lusting after a Twinkie? Stand in line at a McDonald’s, watch the old guys ordering their senior coffee, and flirting with the giggling female order taker. I witnessed this, and it made me laugh. The old guy heard me laughing. He turned to me and demanded to know what I was laughing about.
I am digressing here. Let’s look at a photo of Bill and Ms. Twinkie. It says a lot. (Is Bill wearing brass knuckles?)
It doesn’t matter if Bill still does or does not have the sex thing going on. I don’t care, and I don’t think Ms. Twinkie cares either. Her near-nakedness speaks volumes and makes Bill look like a lusting, overgrown teenager. What’s essential to a man flirting with senility is that she probably has enough fire in her furnace to satisfy an army. The important thing to her is that she is showing her near-naked body to the male world, and it says, “For rent to the highest bidder.” If Bill doesn’t work out financially for her, there will be many high salaried (but nothing in the bank), virile young and not-so-young guys waiting in the wings to take Bill’s place. If she doesn’t hit the money jackpot with Bill, well, at 26, Ms. Twinkie has until she is about age 30 to strut her stuff before she is considered “too old”.
Earlier, I said we are responsible for much of the decline we experience. I truly believe that. It’s not difficult to understand. We do things early in life that we know are not good for us, but we do them anyway if they feel good or look good or everybody loves them or is doing them. That’s when the decline starts. We can make choices. When young, if you can control what you put in your mouth, you can control how you fare over time.
We start too soon to eat and enjoy the destructive crap. Have you seen TV ads showing babies given gooey cake to eat at a “birthday party”? Everyone oohs at how cute it is to see frosting all over the babies’ faces. No, it’s not cute, it’s disgusting. That’s when the preference for sweet stuff kicks in and never lets go for the rest of your life.
The good news is that even at an advanced age if you have enough brain power, you can make substantial positive changes in your everyday life and your health. If you are fat and want to use Ozempic, give up the junk instead. GLP-1s are not for long-term use and are expensive. But you know that. You know what you need to do, so just do it!
I’ve digressed again from the Bill & Twinkie saga. I’ve thought about it some more and concluded that Bill is lucky he can attract a Twinkie with a big bosom. And Ms Twinkie is lucky she found a 73-year-old man who appears not yet over the hill. That’s quite an accomplishment for most men at his age. I know they will be happy forever, or at least until the next wealthy old guy with a lust for a near-naked, busty, skinny Twinkie shows up.
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