In past years, when I worked in various offices, I didn’t mind all the ‘paperwork’; I did it with confidence and got it done. I also did all the ‘paperwork’ involved in keeping the home running smoothly. As far as I am concerned, I have done my share of paperwork! Why can’t someone else do it now? That isn’t happening; at age 82, I am STILL up to my ears in paperwork! If I were six, I would scream,”Not fair!”
One advantage that I enjoy: I can delay my ‘filing’ as long as I wish. Other items must be taken care of immediately or ASAP. I am thankful that I can still reconcile my checkbook, keep the bills together until paid and reply to letters if necessary. All this is great but the truth is, I’m tired of doing it! Maybe I am a bit egotistical but it seems that I must still ‘hold everything together’. My late husband, Mr. Zerick, refused to deal with ‘taking care of everything’ so it was left for me to do. He might have had the right idea; it is a pain in the neck to keep everything running smoothly but someone has to do it!
Before that time (meaning previous husbands) I didn’t have a home, paperwork or even food (but did learn a lot about domestic violence) so paperwork didn’t seem necessary. The violence increased and so did the paperwork. I had to talk really fast to convince him to buy a home for $25.00 down (G.I. loan); our rent ($75.00) increased to house payments of $76.00. BUT, I finally had a home and I adjusted to doing all the paperwork. I was really glad to have a home so it was worth the extra ‘duties’.
Yes, I have a tall filing cabinet. Yes, I have that fairly organized, with file folders, including a thick ‘miscellaneous receipts’ but I have reached the age of rebellion and “I don’t wanna do paperwork any longer!” It felt good just to say that! I would have liked to stamp my foot when I typed that but I can’t do that convincingly while sitting at my computer desk.
I enjoy writing articles and books. Sending out freelance articles is both exciting and scary. Some are accepted, some are not. I don’t really worry about those that are rejected. I simply find another publication that might consider my work. My writing, along with all the paperwork involved in daily life, keeps me hopping but I always have time to READ. I have skipped many meals because of a good book…and plan to continue with that frame of mind.
There is no one to tell, ‘take over this job’ so I will continue to make excuses as to why I can’t do the filing at this moment. We can’t do two things at the same time so I choose which is most important. Each week I get five books from the local library (not counting those I buy). In the back of my mind is the knowledge that one of those I got yesterday is a favorite author, Lisa Scottoline and her book, DON’T GO, is waiting for me…..gotta go, gotta go.
I ate a nice breakfast so lunch is not in my thoughts. Books are made of paper and that is the only kind of ‘paperwork’ that I enjoy!
82-year-old Lura Zerick is the mother of 5, grandmother of 12 and great-grandmother of 7. She was born and raised in the Florida Panhandle and now lives on six acres of woods in S.E. Alabama, near Geneva.
Lura has been involved in writing since 1965. Her articles are published in regional and national magazines. She has authored five books: Who Do You Think You Are? (1989), The Golden Olden Days, (2002), Getting Older and Enjoying It!, 2004, (This book was one of three chosen across the USA to be featured in an article written by Donna Childress and published by the National Council on Aging in Washington, D.C. in the Fall/Winter issue of their publication, Innovations.) River Villa, 2007 and The House of Esther, 2011.
Lura has composed lyrics and music of 70 gospel songs and recorded 15 songs on 2 CDs. She sang show tunes and popular songs previously in nightclubs, a cruise ship, with several TV guest spots.
She wrote and produced a weekly, then daily, radio program, “Encouragement for Today’s Woman”; edited and published Living with Hope, a quarterly newsletter using the writings of women across America; co-hosted a 2-hour weekly radio program, “The Saturday Morning Show”; participated in and co-produced a Sunday afternoon gospel music radio program.
Lura was Executive Editor of a regional magazine, Grassroots South; Editor’s Assistant for an international publication, Journal of Marital & Family Therapy; wrote a newspaper column, Encouragement for Today and wrote features and news articles for various newspapers. Her articles have been published in Alabama Living, SpiritLed Woman, Just Between Us, Writer’s Digest, Mature Living, Christian Single, Army Flier, Army Times, Looking Back and other publications.
Previously very active with speaking dates and book signings across the country, Lura is currently working on three books: Bible Quest, Feeding Our Spiritual Selves and Another Woman; Another Well, the story of her life.
As a survivor of years of domestic violence, Lura had no idea that her best and most rewarding years were in the future!

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