This month we are pleased to welcome Dr. Bronner Handwerger, a naturopathic medical doctor who will talk about various health topics through videos. He is licensed by the state of California as a primary care doctor, and is an expert in the field of Preventive and Integrative Medicine. He practices in La Jolla, California. This month, the series of videos begins with bioidentical hormone replacement.
[wp_lightbox_prettyPhoto_anchor_text_video link=”http://vimeo.com/1513890″ width=”500″ height=”500″ text=”Click here to view Dr. Bronner’s video.” description=”Bio-identical Hormone Replacement”]Dr. Bronner welcomes questions of a general nature. Please use the comment box below or contact Dr. Bronner directly at docbron@gmail.com He is available on a limited basis for phone consultations. Call his office for details: 858-254-5433 Visit his website for more information.
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