* * * Highlights * * *
* * * Severe stress behind self-perceived memory problems * * * Eating protein three times a day could make our seniors stronger * * * Mediterranean Diet May Cut AMD Risk by More Than a Third * * * Zika virus kills brain cancer stem cells * * * Tooth trouble: Many middle-aged adults report dental pain, embarrassment and poor prevention * * * Ibuprofen Ups Systolic BP, New-Onset Hypertension Risk * * * Abdominal fat a key cancer driver for postmenopausal women * * * Marijuana may produce psychotic-like effects in high-risk individuals * * * Hormone replacement therapy can slow decline in lung function for middle-aged women * * * Whole food diet may help prevent colon cancer, other chronic conditions * * * Cannabis, ‘spice’ – better think twice
Severe stress behind self-perceived memory problems
Stress, fatigue, and feeling like your memory is failing you. These are the symptoms of a growing group of patients. Result – They may need help, but they are rarely entering the initial stages of dementia.
Eating protein three times a day could make our seniors stronger
Loss of muscle is an inevitable consequence of aging that can lead to frailty, falls or mobility problems. Eating enough protein is one way to remedy it, but it would seem that spreading protein equally among the three daily meals could be linked to greater mass and muscle strength in the elderly.
Mediterranean Diet May Cut AMD Risk by More Than a Third
The risk for age-related macular degeneration can be cut by more than one-third by eating a Mediterranean-style diet that is heavy in fruit, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fish, and lean meats, new data from an ongoing Portuguese study suggest.
Zika virus kills brain cancer stem cells
While Zika virus causes devastating damage to the brains of developing fetuses, it one day may be an effective treatment for glioblastoma, a deadly form of brain cancer. New research shows that the virus kills brain cancer stem cells, the kind of cancer cells most resistant to standard treatments.
Could faecal microbiota transplantation be used to tackle asthma?
Faecal microbiota transplantation is arguably more effective in managing asthma than current treatments and even probiotics, say two scientists, who call for more research into its use.
New device accurately identifies cancer in seconds
A team of scientists and engineers has invented a powerful tool that rapidly and accurately identifies cancerous tissue during surgery, delivering results in about 10 seconds. The MasSpec Pen is an innovative handheld instrument that gives surgeons precise diagnostic information about what tissue to cut or preserve, helping improve treatment and reduce the chances of cancer recurrence.
Human skin cells transformed directly into motor neurons
Scientists have converted skin cells from healthy adults directly into motor neurons without going through a stem cell state. The technique makes it possible to study motor neurons of the human central nervous system in the lab. Unlike commonly studied mouse motor neurons, human motor neurons growing in the lab would be a new tool since researchers can’t take samples of these neurons from living people but can easily take skin samples.
Tooth trouble: Many middle-aged adults report dental pain, embarrassment and poor prevention
The dental health of middle-aged Americans faces a lot of problems right now, and an uncertain future to come, according to new national poll results. One in three Americans between the ages of 50 and 64 say they’re embarrassed by the condition of their teeth, and that dental problems have caused pain or other problems in the past two years. Forty percent of those polled don’t get regular cleanings or other preventive oral care.
Mediterranean-style diet may eliminate need for reflux medications
A plant-based, Mediterranean-style diet has been shown to provide the same medical benefits for treating laryngopharyngeal reflux as popular reflux medications, according to new research.
Honeybees could play a role in developing new antibiotics
An antimicrobial compound made by honeybees could become the basis for new antibiotics, according to new research.
Scratch-and-sniff test could predict Parkinson’s even earlier
A simple scratch-and-sniff test could predict Parkinson’s disease even earlier than previously thought, new research demonstrates. The test could potentially identify certain people who are at an increased risk of developing the disease up to 10 years before they are actually diagnosed.
E-cig refills contain irritants, and people who smoke and use e-cigs suffer more symptoms
Two new studies highlight the risks associated with using e-cigarettes, especially for those who also smoke conventional cigarettes.
How to draw electricity from the bloodstream
Men build dams and huge turbines to turn the energy of waterfalls and tides into electricity. To produce hydropower on a much smaller scale, scientists have now developed a lightweight power generator based on carbon nanotube fibers suitable to convert even the energy of flowing blood in blood vessels into electricity.
Ibuprofen Ups Systolic BP, New-Onset Hypertension Risk
“Pain is a cardiovascular risk factor. If you don’t treat pain, your blood pressure goes up, your heart rate goes up, and you’re driving patients into inactivity, so it’s not an answer to not treat pain,” study author Dr Frank Ruschitzka (University Heart Center, Zurich, Switzerland) said.
“You have to treat it with the right drug, and the right drug unfortunately can’t be ibuprofen.”
Intranasal Oxytocin May Prevent PTSD
Administering a commonly available hormone via a nasal spray could help prevent the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and reduce symptoms in those who already have the condition, results of several clinical studies suggest.
Abdominal fat a key cancer driver for postmenopausal women
Body fat distribution in the trunk is more important than body weight when it comes to cancer risk in postmenopausal women, according to a new study.
Marijuana may produce psychotic-like effects in high-risk individuals
Marijuana may bring on temporary paranoia and other psychosis-related effects in individuals at high risk of developing a psychotic disorder, finds a preliminary study.
Mind Bending Drugs For Psycho Diets
There is such a thing as a mental depression diet. It’s called the American diet. In response, physicians hand out anti-depressant pills making patients dependent on these pills for the remainder of their lives when their calorie-rich/nutrient poor diet is causing their problems. Where does depression/anxiety emanate from? Not the brain but the intestines, what is now called the gut-brain axis. In a misdirection, mood-altering drugs directly target neurotransmitters in the brain.
Time to dial back on diabetes treatment in older patients? Study finds 11 percent are overtreated
Almost 11 percent of Medicare participants with diabetes had very low blood sugar levels that suggested they were being over-treated, a new study finds. But only 14 percent of these patients had a reduction in blood sugar medication refills in the next six months.
Hormone replacement therapy can slow decline in lung function for middle-aged women
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can slow the decline in lung function in middle-aged women, according to new research.
Medical students not trained to prescribe medical marijuana
More than half of the states in the US now allow some type of legal marijuana use, primarily medical marijuana. But, in a survey of medical residents and deans at the nation’s medical schools, researchers have found that the majority of schools are not teaching their students about medical marijuana, and the majority of students don’t feel prepared to discuss the subject with patients.
Third hand smoke exposure effects on liver and brain found to worsen over time
Third hand-smoke results when exhaled smoke and smoke emanating from the tip of burning cigarettes gets on surfaces such as clothing, hair, homes, and cars. Using a mouse model, researchers have found that thirdhand-smoke exposure has a significant effect on health, specifically the liver and brain, as early as one month after initiation of exposure — an effect that worsens with time.
One e-cigarette with nicotine leads to adrenaline changes in nonsmokers’ hearts
Electronic cigarettes have been touted as both a safer alternative for smokers and as an effective way for people to gradually quit smoking altogether. But a new study shows that nicotine inhaled from e-cigarettes can greatly increase a person’s heart rate and aggravate the sympathetic nervous system.
Whole food diet may help prevent colon cancer, other chronic conditions
A diet that includes plenty of colorful vegetables and fruits may contain compounds that can stop colon cancer and inflammatory bowel diseases in pigs, according to an international team of researchers. Understanding how these compounds work on a molecular level could be an initial step toward finding treatments for people with cancer, they added.
Cannabis, ‘spice’ – better think twice
Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug in the world, and the advent of synthetic cannabinoids creates additional challenges to the society because of their higher potency and ability to escape drug detection screenings. Scientists have a warning about a new danger coming from cannabinoid abuse.
PPIs Not Superior to Dietary Intervention for Reflux, Data Suggest
According to a retrospective study published September 7 in JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery. “This study indicates that, by supplementing with alkaline water and a Mediterranean-style diet, effective control of symptoms as defined by the RSI [Reflux Symptom Index] may be obtained without PPI (Prilosec, Nexium) use,” write Craig H. Zalvan, MD, from New York Medical College in Valhalla, and colleagues. “Other benefits of this diet-based approach include decreased risk for and improved control of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, and cancer, and avoiding the risks of drug interaction or complication.”

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