* * * Highlights * * *
After 15 years in a vegetative state, nerve stimulation restores consciousness * * * Household chores: Women still do more * * * Bed bugs attracted to dirty laundry * * * Why a Pharmacy School Cancelled Marijuana Classes * * * Elderly who have trouble identifying odors face risk of dementia * * * Intense strength training benefits postmenopausal women with low bone mass * * * Breast cancer linked to bacterial imbalances * * * Women seen as younger when eyes, lips and eyebrows stand out * * * Scientists reveal the relationship between sugar, cancer * * * Cocaine use during adolescence is even more harmful than during adulthood * * * Increase in inflammatory bowel disease in developing world predicted * * * Blood test can effectively rule out breast cancer, regardless of breast density
After 15 years in a vegetative state, nerve stimulation restores consciousness
A 35-year-old man who had been in a vegetative state for 15 years after a car accident has shown signs of consciousness after neurosurgeons implanted a vagus nerve stimulator into his chest. The findings show that vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) — a treatment already in use for epilepsy and depression–can help to restore consciousness even after many years in a vegetative state.
Individual with complete spinal cord injury regains voluntary motor function
Extended activity-based training with epidural stimulation resulted in ability to stand and move without stimulation. A man with a complete spinal cord injury, who had lost motor function below the level of the injury, has regained the ability to move his legs voluntarily and stand six years after his injury.
Older drivers adapt their thinking to improve road hazard detection
A recent study finds that older drivers showed adaptive responses according to the amount of traffic in a driving scene when identifying road hazards. Although younger drivers are faster and more accurate at identifying driving hazards than older drivers, older drivers were capable of adapting their response criteria to help them identify road hazards when the amount of traffic in a driving scene increased.
Household chores: Women still do more
Women of all ages still tend to do more household chores than their male partners, no matter how much they work or earn in a job outside the home. New findings demonstrate the persistent gendered nature of how housework is divided.
Larger-dose opioid prescriptions not coming from emergency departments, study shows
Opioid prescriptions from the emergency department (ED) are written for a shorter duration and smaller dose than those written elsewhere, shows new research. The study also demonstrates that patients who receive an opioid prescription in the ED are less likely to progress to long-term use.
Bed bugs attracted to dirty laundry
Bed bugs are attracted to dirty laundry, according to new research
Speedy urine test for amphetamines sends results via app
Researchers have developed a wireless sensor and a smartphone app that can detect the presence of speed in a drop of human urine in seconds. The prototype device is also portable enough to be worn as a bracelet, has unprecedented sensitivity for amphetamines with low risk for false-positive results, and costs about $50 to produce.
Limits on Opioid Prescriptions Gain Popularity
Many state legislatures are enacting or evaluating limits for opioid prescriptions—usually mandating a maximum number of days for a first prescription—as a step in slowing the opioid crisis. These laws specifically exclude prescriptions for patients with chronic pain, but there are some who worry that the new rules will have unintended consequences and whether they will help in the long run.
Why a Pharmacy School Cancelled Marijuana Classes
The University of Maryland-Baltimore School of Pharmacy has cancelled plans to start offering medical cannabis classes this fall. The online classes covered cultivation, manufacturing, dispensing, and laboratory standards of medical cannabis. However, after consulting with the Maryland attorney general’s office, the University directed the School of Pharmacy to not offer the classes.
Elderly who have trouble identifying odors face risk of dementia
A long-term study of nearly 3,000 older adults found that those who could not identify at least four out of five common odors were more than twice as likely as those with a normal sense of smell to develop dementia within five years. About 14 percent could name just three, 5 percent could identify only two, and 2 percent could name just one. One percent of the study subjects were not able to identify a single scent.
Skipping breakfast associated with hardening of the arteries
Skipping breakfast is associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis, or the hardening and narrowing of arteries due to a build-up of plaque, according to research.
Intense strength training benefits postmenopausal women with low bone mass
Exercise is known to be beneficial to bone health but there is reluctance to use high intensity programs in older women with low bone mass because of the risk of fracture or other injury.
Breast cancer linked to bacterial imbalances
Researchers have uncovered differences in the bacterial composition of breast tissue of healthy women vs. women with breast cancer. The research team has discovered for the first time that healthy breast tissue contains more of the bacterial species Methylobacterium, a finding which could offer a new perspective in the battle against breast cancer.
Women seen as younger when eyes, lips and eyebrows stand out
Researchers in France and America find that aspects of facial contrast, a measure of how much facial features stand out in the face, decrease with age in women across a variety of ethnic groups. The researchers also find that observers perceive women with increased facial contrast as younger, regardless of the ethnic background of the women or the observers. This suggests that facial contrast is a cross-cultural cue to age perception.
Once a lesbian always a lesbian, right? Or not?
Are people’s sexual attractions likely to change as they age? That’s the question at the core of an ongoing debate as to whether or not sexuality remains stable throughout a person’s life. An upcoming presentation will review the latest research on the prevalence of same-sex sexuality and sexual fluidity and their implications for healthcare providers.
Scientists reveal the relationship between sugar, cancer
A nine-year joint research project has led to a crucial breakthrough in cancer research. Scientists have clarified how the Warburg effect, a phenomenon in which cancer cells rapidly break down sugars, stimulates tumor growth. This discovery provides evidence for a positive correlation between sugar and cancer, which may have far-reaching impacts on tailor-made diets for cancer patients.
Too much sugar? Even ‘healthy people’ are at risk of developing heart disease
Healthy people who consume high levels of sugar are at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
Break the attachment before selling your stuff
Ever tried to sell something you’ve owned for a while on Craigslist and found that no one is willing to pony up what you’re asking? It’s because you’re asking too much.
Cocaine use during adolescence is even more harmful than during adulthood
Scientists found that addicts who began using cocaine before and after the age of 18 showed differences in sustained attention and working memory, among other brain functions. The research, made under controlled drug abstinence condition, measured cocaine’s impact on more than a hundred drug users’ cognition, and recommended multidisciplinary treatment for patients with an accentuated cognitive deficit.
To vape or not to vape? Probably: Not to vape
Researchers lead new study showing that e-cigarettes trigger unique and potentially damaging immune responses in human airways
Increase in inflammatory bowel disease in developing world predicted
Study shows increasing rates of IBD keep pace with industrialization For the last century, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has been a challenge for patients and the medical community in the western world. New research shows that countries outside the western world may now be facing the same pattern of increasing IBD rates.
Blood test can effectively rule out breast cancer, regardless of breast density
Videssa® Breast, a multi-protein biomarker blood test for breast cancer, is unaffected by breast density and can reliably rule out breast cancer in women with both dense and non-dense breast tissue, outlines a new report.

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