Are Doctors Over-diagnosing Memory Problems? *** Medications are main culprit of allergic deaths in U.S. comprehensive study finds *** Coffee Combats Tooth Loss *** Omega-3s Enhance Brain Cell Structure *** Study Questions 21-Day Quarantine Period For Ebola *** Positive Subliminal Messages On Aging Improve Physical Functioning In Elderly *** Cold Sores Increase Risk Of Dementia, Research Suggests *** Red Hot Competition As Placenta Businesses Jockey For Supremacy *** UK School to Fingerprint Children in Order to Monitor Their Diets *** If You’re Over 60, Drink Up: Alcohol Associated With Better Memory
The Dangers Of Teens Using Marijuana
Whether states should legalize marijuana for recreational and medical use is a hot topic across the country. As the debates continue a potentially dangerous environment is being created where more preteens, teens and young adults are beginning to use the substance with the feeling that it is safe.
Adolescent Exposure To Thc May Cause Immune Systems To Go Up In Smoke
When it comes to using marijuana, new research involving mice suggests that just because you can do it, doesn’t mean that you should. That’s because a team of scientists have found that using marijuana in adolescence may do serious long-term damage to the immune system.
Are Doctors Over-diagnosing Memory Problems?
Watch out for a new trend, led by the USA and England, to screen older people for minor memory changes. (These memory changes are diagnosed as Mild Cognitive Impairment [MCI], sometimes referred to as “pre-dementia”.) Read The British Medical Journal’s warning on how this is leading to a 23% over diagnosis rate and potentially harmful treatment.
SAGE – A Test to Measure Thinking Abilities
The Self-Administered Gerocognitive Exam (SAGE) is designed to detect early signs of cognitive, memory or thinking impairments. It evaluates your thinking abilities and helps physicians to know how well your brain is working.
In the first, small study of a novel, personalized and comprehensive program to reverse memory loss, nine of 10 participants displayed subjective or objective improvement in their memories beginning within three to six months after the program’s start.
Medications are main culprit of allergic deaths in U.S. comprehensive study finds
Medications are the leading cause of allergy-related sudden deaths in the U.S., according to an analysis of death certificates from 1999 to 2010. The study also found that the risk of fatal drug-induced allergic reactions was particularly high among older people and African-Americans and that such deaths increased significantly in the U.S. in recent years.
Self-Compassion Key To Positive Body Image, Coping
Women who accept and tolerate their imperfections appear to have a more positive body image despite their body mass index and are better able to handle personal disappointments and setbacks in their daily lives. Research has found that this self-compassion might be an important means to increase positive body image and protect girls and young women against unhealthy weight-control practices and eating disorders.
Internet-Savvy Seniors Retain Cognitive Skills
Digital literacy is the ability to engage, plan and execute computer-based actions such as web browsing and exchanging emails. Andre Junqueira Xavier at the Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (Brazil), and colleagues analyzed data collected on 6,442 participants, ages 50 to 89 years, enrolled in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, for 8 years. The data measured delayed recall from a 10-word-list learning task across 5 separate measurement points. Observing that: Internet/E-mail use predicted better performance in delayed recall,” the study authors conclude that: “digital literacy may help reduce cognitive decline among persons aged between 50 and 89 years.”
Coffee is a major dietary source of antioxidants as well as of other anti-inflammatory factors. Nathan Ng, from Boston University (Massachusetts, USA), and colleagues analyzed data collected on 1,152 men, ages 26 to 84 years at the study’s start, enrolled in the US Department of Veterans Affairs Dental Longitudinal Study. Observing that: “It was found that higher coffee consumption was associated with a small but significant reduction in number of teeth with periodontal bone loss,” the study authors note that: “No evidence was found that coffee consumption was harmful to periodontal health.”
Omega-3s Enhance Brain Cell Structure
A growing number of studies suggest that consuming oils with high polyunsaturated fatty acid content, in particular those containing omega-3 fatty acids, exerts beneficial health effects.
Lift Weights, Improve Your Memory, Study Shows
Here’s another reason why it’s a good idea to hit the gym: it can improve memory. A new study shows that an intense workout of as little as 20 minutes can enhance episodic memory, also known as long-term memory for previous events, by about 10 percent in healthy young adults.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Prevent Some Forms Of Depression
Patients with increased inflammation, including those receiving cytokines for medical treatment, have a greatly increased risk of depression. For example, a 6-month treatment course of interferon-alpha therapy for chronic hepatitis C virus infection causes depression in approximately 30% of patients. Omega-3 fatty acids have a long list of health benefits, including lowering the risk of heart disease and reducing triglyceride levels. These nutritional compounds are also known to have anti-depressant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Link Between Depression, Abnormal Brain Response To Visceral Pain In Patients With IBS
High rates of anxiety and depression amongst patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have led many researchers to believe there could be a causal relationship between psychological factors and IBS symptoms. Now, scientists have found clear evidence that patients with IBS process pain signals from the gut abnormally, and that disturbed brain responses to pain are particularly pronounced in patients with more depression symptoms.
Common Painkillers Combined With Other Drugs May Cause High Risk Of Gi Bleeding
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs — such as ibuprofen and aspirin — increase one’s risk of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. When taken in combination with other drugs, this risk is significantly higher, according to new research.
Making Old Lungs Look Young Again, With Ibuprofen
The lungs become more inflammatory with age, researchers say, and add that ibuprofen can lower that inflammation. Immune cells from old mouse lungs fought tuberculosis bacteria as effectively as cells from young mice after lung inflammation was reduced by ibuprofen.
Economist Finds Formula For ‘Perfect Ask’ In Online Fundraising
Going it alone and setting targets are part of the ‘perfect ask’ fundraising formula to generate the most online donations for charity events, according to research.
People Prone To Delusions Make Rushed Decisions, Research Shows
People who are prone to delusions gather insufficient information before making decisions, according to research. “In our study, the combination of rewards and costs created optimal decision points, allowing us to investigate genuine ‘jumps to conclusions’. Our results confirm that delusion-prone people are less likely to wait for the best moment before making a decision. This indicates that they would rush to make choices in their everyday lives, relating to anything from money or jobs to family and friends, which could lead to less successful outcomes for them,” authors said.
Women Face Dishonesty More Often Than Men During Negotiations
Women in business negotiations face more deceit than men, according to new research. “We found that men and women alike were targeting women with more deception than men,” said a co-author of the new research. “It was interesting that men and women alike tried to deceive women in negotiations.”
Lifetime of fitness: a fountain of youth for bone and joint health?
Being physically active may significantly improve musculoskeletal and overall health, and minimize or delay the effects of aging, according to a review of the latest research on senior athletes (ages 65 and up) appearing in the September issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (JAAOS).
CDC FACT SHEET: Incidence, Prevalence, and Cost of Sexually Transmitted Infections in the United States
In February 2013, CDC published two analyses 1,2 that provide an in-depth look at the severe human and economic burden of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the United States.CDC’s new estimates show that there are about 20 million new infections in the United States each year, costing the American healthcare system nearly $16 billion in direct medical costs alone.
America’s youth shoulder a substantial burden of these infections.CDC estimates that half of all new STIs in the country occur among young men and women. In addition, CDC published an overall estimate of the number of prevalent STIs in the nation. Prevalence is the total number of new and existing infections at a given time. CDC’s new data suggest that there are more than 110 million total STIs among men and women across the nation.
Over Half Of Food Inspections In Mainland China Failed Last Quarter
Orders for food inspections in mainland China—almost half of which have failed—have increased at a fast rate in the wake of recent food scandals, a report by quality-control services provider AsiaInspection (AFI) has said.
Middle-Aged Mothers Live Longer
Comparing two groups of women born in 1896, we found that women who lived to at least age 100 were four times more likely to have had children while in their forties than women who survived only to age 73. The ability to have children in the fifth decade may be a marker for slow ageing and subsequent ability to achieve extreme longevity. We propose that the evolutionary pressure to extend lifespan is closely linked to prolonging the period of time during which women can bear children.
The Dwindling Stock Of Antibiotics, And What To Do About It
Pharmaceutical companies have largely abandoned the business of discovering and developing antibiotics, and our stock of these “miracle drugs” is beginning to shrink. Researchers are working to create new models for drug discovery that could replace the failed private enterprise model.
The Living to 100 Life Expectancy Calculator uses the most current and carefully researched medical and scientific data in order to estimate how old you will live to be. Most people score in their late eighties… how about you? The calculator asks you 40 quick questions related to your health and family history, and takes about 10 minutes to complete. At the end, you will be asked to create an account to store your answers.
Common Anesthetic Procedure Dramatically Improves Well Being Of Veterans With PTSD
A single application of a common anesthetic procedure could be the answer to alleviating anxiety, depression and psychological pain in those suffering from chronic, extreme post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to research.
Hidden Population: Thousands Of Youths Take On Caregiver Role At Home
While the typical preteen or adolescent can be found playing sports or video games after school, more than 1.3 million spend their free time caring for a family member who suffers from a physical or mental illness, or substance misuse. These ‘care giving youth’ are a hidden population who are at risk of school failure and poor health.
MEND is UCLA’s personalized program to reverse memory loss. In a recent MEND study, nine of 10 participants displayed significant improvement in their memories. Learn how.
3d Harvard Make-Up Invention To Change The Whole Beauty Game
‘3D’ printing is the buzz word of the moment in the cosmetics industry. The latest innovation in the area claims consumers can make their own colour cosmetic formulations at home for a fraction of the price that beauty brands charge. This has seen the industry sit up and take notice.
Insect Canapés Will Be The Next Foodie Trend
Insects could be the next big ‘foodie’ trend, if a start-up firm which aims to make them more acceptable to UK consumers, has its way.
Can Sleep Loss Affect Your Brain Size?
Sleep difficulties may be linked to faster rates of decline in brain volume, according to a study published in the September 3, 2014, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.The study found that sleep difficulties were linked with a more rapid decline in brain volume over the course of the study in widespread brain regions, including within frontal, temporal and parietal areas. The results were more pronounced in people over 60 years old.
Study Questions 21-Day Quarantine Period For Ebola
One of the tenets for minimizing the risk of spreading Ebola Virus has been a 21-day quarantine period for individuals who might have been exposed to the virus. But a new study suggests that 21 days might not be enough to completely prevent spread of the virus. Experts say there could be up to a 12 percent chance that someone could be infected even after the 21-day quarantine.
Sugared Soda Consumption, Cell Aging Associated In New Study
Sugar-sweetened soda consumption might promote disease independently from its role in obesity, according to UC San Francisco researchers who found in a new study that drinking sugary drinks was associated with cell aging.
Scientists Find ‘Hidden Brain Signatures’ Of Consciousness In Vegetative State Patients
Scientists in Cambridge have found hidden signatures in the brains of people in a vegetative state, which point to networks that could support consciousness even when a patient appears to be unconscious and unresponsive. The study could help doctors identify patients who are aware despite being unable to communicate.
The federal government is spending more than $2 million to develop wearable insoles and buttons that can track a person’s weight in order to fight obesity. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded grants for two projects that will monitor “lifestyle behavior” through technologies that will encourage people to exercise more.
Snail Skin Care Trend Hits The Us
The benefits of snail mucus on the skin have been known to the cosmetics industry for a while, and having seen a big trend in Korea, it is now heading to American shores and is expected to be the ‘newest fad’.
Positive Subliminal Messages On Aging Improve Physical Functioning In Elderly
Older individuals who are subliminally exposed to positive stereotypes about aging showed improved physical functioning that can last for several weeks, a new study. “The challenge we had in this study was to enable the participants to overcome the negative age stereotypes which they acquire from society, as in everyday conversations and television comedies,” said lead researcher Becca Levy, associate professor and director of the Social and Behavioral Science Division. “The study’s successful outcome suggests the potential of directing subliminal processes toward the enhancement of physical function.”
Sport In Old Age Can Stimulate Brain Fitness, But Effect Decreases With Advancing Age
Physical exercise in old age can improve brain perfusion as well as certain memory skills, say neuroscientists who studied men and women aged between 60 and 77. In younger individuals regular training on a treadmill tended to improve cerebral blood flow and visual memory. However, trial participants who were older than 70 years of age tended to show no benefit of exercise.
Cold Sores Increase Risk Of Dementia, Research Suggests
Infection with herpes simplex virus increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, researchers claim. “Our results clearly show that there is a link between infections of herpes simplex virus and the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. This also means that we have new opportunities to develop treatment forms to stop the disease,” says one of the researchers behind the study.
Viagra Protects The Heart Beyond The Bedroom, Study Finds
Viagra could be used as a safe treatment for heart disease, finds new research. The study reveals that long-term daily treatment of Viagra can provide protection for the heart at different stages of heart disease, with few side effects.
Older individuals who are subliminally exposed to positive stereotypes about aging showed improved physical functioning that can last for several weeks, a new study.
Red Hot Competition As Placenta Businesses Jockey For Supremacy
With more than a quarter of Japan’s population over the age of 60, it is said that country suffers more from the issues of an ageing population than any other country. That’s no doubt why the anti-ageing industry is doing so well.
UK School to Fingerprint Children in Order to Monitor Their Diets
According to the Express & Star, a British newspaper, the Redhill School in Stourbridge is introducing a controversial (and costly) new biometric system “as part of a plan to implement a cashless system throughout the school.” In order for students to be able to purchase their meals, they will be required to have their fingerprints read by a machine, which then converts the fingerprint into biometric data, which is then used to identify each pupil’s account.
If You’re Over 60, Drink Up: Alcohol Associated With Better Memory
For people 60 and older who do not have dementia, light alcohol consumption during late life is associated with higher episodic memory — the ability to recall memories of events — researchers report.

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