Dual virtual reality/treadmill exercises promote brain plasticity in Parkinson’s patients
A new study suggests that a therapy that combines virtual reality and treadmill exercise dramatically lowers the incidence of falling among Parkinson’s patients by changing the brain’s behavior and promoting beneficial brain plasticity, even in patients with neurodegenerative disease. Therapy effective even in later stages of the disease, researchers say.
Beating heart patch is large enough to repair the human heart
Beating patch is as strong and electrically active as healthy adult heart. Engineers have developed a ‘heart patch’ that is just as strong and electrically active as healthy adult cardiac tissue and large enough to cover the damage caused by most heart attacks.
Almost 800,000 cancers are attributable to diabetes and high BMI
Diabetes and high BMI (a BMI over 25 kg/m2) were the cause of 5.6% of new cancer cases worldwide in 2012 – equivalent to 792600 cases, according to the first study to quantify the proportion of cancers attributable to diabetes and high BMI. When considered individually, 544300 cases of cases were attributable to high BMI (equivalent to 3.9% of all cancers), and 280100 were attributable to diabetes (2%).
Research could strip wine of sulfites — and health worries — for pennies per bottle
A research drive is working toward the design and marketing of a low-cost, easy-to-use device that would filter up to 99 percent of sulfites from wine when it’s poured from the bottle.
Preventing psoriasis with vanillia extract
Small amounts of artificial vanilla extract, also known as vanillin, are in a wide range of products, from baked goods to perfumes. But vanillin’s versatility doesn’t stop there. In a recent mouse study researchers report that this compound could also prevent or reduce psoriatic skin inflammation.
Hip steroid injections associated with risky bone changes
Osteoarthritis patients who received a steroid injection in the hip had a significantly greater incidence of bone death and collapse compared with control groups, according to new research.
Lack of communication puts older adults at risk of clashes between their medicines
Most older Americans take multiple medicines every day. But a new poll suggests they don’t get — or seek — enough help to make sure those medicines actually mix safely. That lack of communication could be putting older adults at risk of health problems from interactions between their drugs, and between their prescription drugs and other substances such as over-the-counter medicines, supplements, food and alcohol.
Marriage may help stave off dementia
Marriage may lower the risk of developing dementia, concludes a synthesis of the available evidence. Lifelong singletons, widowers seem to be at heightened risk
Smartphone addiction creates imbalance in brain, study suggests
Researchers have found an imbalance in the brain chemistry of young people addicted to smartphones and the internet.
How saturated fatty acids damage cells
Researchers have developed a new microscopy technique that allows for the direct tracking of fatty acids after they’ve been absorbed into living cells. What they found using this technique could have significant impact on both the understanding and treatment of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Cannabis linked to bipolar symptoms in young adults
Cannabis use in youth is linked to bipolar symptoms in young adults, finds new research by the University of Warwick.
Early onset psychosis associated with key vitamin deficiencies:
New research has discovered that early psychosis is associated with nutritional deficiencies, specifically in folate and vitamin D, revealing new avenues for improving the health of millions of people affected worldwide.
Touch and signs of affection linked to nourished gut ecosystem
Gut bacteria appears to thrive with regular physical contact, suggests new animal data that shows ‘huddling’ actions lead to a synchronised microbiome.
The ability to reverse type 2 diabetes (T2D) through an intensive weight management program has been proven in a groundbreaking study recently published in The Lancet.
According to the National Institute on Aging, while the average life expectancy for babies born in 1900 was only 47 years, it rose to 79 years in 1998. (And continues to rise, yet retirement age is still 65!)
Unexpected side effect to cleaning up urban air discovered
Sinking levels of an air pollutant may trigger an increase in another potentially harmful class of chemical compounds As levels of atmospheric nitric oxide decline rapidly due to air quality regulations, North American cities may soon experience higher levels of airborne organic hydroperoxides, with unknown implications for air quality and human health.
Third of people not taking their prescribed diabetes medication due to side effects
Diabetes patients who take the most commonly prescribed diabetes drug, metformin, are the least likely to follow medical advice regarding their medication due its side effects, a new article reports.
Inflammation drives progression of Alzheimer’s
Inflammatory mechanisms caused by the brain’s immune system drive the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, according to new research. These findings, which rely on a series of laboratory experiments, provide new insights into pathogenetic mechanisms that are believed to hold potential for tackling Alzheimer’s before symptoms manifest. The researchers envision that one day this may lead to new ways of treatment.
Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder
New research into the influence of alcohol on how men objectify women could inform sexual violence prevention programs. Men under the influence of alcohol are more likely to see women as sexual objects. This is according to a study which moves beyond the mere anecdotal to investigate some of the circumstances and factors that influence why men objectify women.
Poor oral health may put older individuals at increased risk of frailty
The presence of oral health problems was linked with greater risks of being frail and developing frailty in older age in a recent study.
Medications alone don’t help smokers quit
Pharmaceutical interventions are routinely prescribed to help people quit smoking. However, a new study suggests that, despite promising results in clinical trials, smoking cessation drugs alone may not be improving the chances of successful quitting among smokers in general.
Smoking cessation drug may increase risk of adverse cardiovascular event
Varenicline, (Chantix) one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for helping people quit smoking, may put them at higher risk for a cardiovascular event*, according to new research.
*Cardiovascular events included heart attack, stroke, arrhythmias, unstable angina and peripheral vascular disease, among others. Among neuropsychiatric events, the researchers included depression, anxiety, psychosis, hallucinations, insomnia and self-harm.
How exercise is key to successfully quitting smoking
Exercise can help smokers finally kick the habit, suggests new research. The study reveals that even moderate intensity exercise markedly reduces the severity of nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
Short-term exercise equals big-time brain boost
Even a short burst of exercise can temporarily boost our brain power, says a new study.
Try exercise to improve memory and thinking, new guideline urges
For patients with mild cognitive impairment, don’t be surprised if your health care provider prescribes exercise rather than medication. A new guideline for medical practitioners says they should recommend twice-weekly exercise to people with mild cognitive impairment to improve memory and thinking.

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