It is Decision Time and the decision is yours. Every day each of us is getting older and how we react to that fact will determine the years, great or small, that we have left.
I am disappointed when I see friends younger than I simply give up after some emotional upheaval. Some of these had more ‘backbone’ than most. Soon after meeting them you learn that you’d better not ‘mess with them’ or you would regret it. Suddenly their backbone is totally gone and they give up on having any kind of future. It is scary and sad to witness this.
We know that our ‘frame of mind’ affects our physical selves. As we give up on living our health declines and after awhile we have no choice. Now, instead of enjoying our later years doing the things we could have done, we are relegated to a nursing home or a rehab where we plod through the empty days as we literally wait to die. Don’t rush to arrive at this point!
The list of ‘things we could have done’ might not be very long but there are many activities we can enjoy as we get older. Of course I am not speaking of those who are ‘bed-bound’… but some might choose ‘home-bound’ to avoid any outside activities. There is more to life at any age than watching television all day long. Most of this is depressing, even the daily news.
We can continue to ‘go to lunch’ with a friend, go to yard sales or even a longer trip to a nearby city. You might even enjoy a movie if you can find one that isn’t pornographic. For those who no longer drive, call a friend who can! Life doesn’t end at your gate; go someplace you would enjoy with a friend! How about a shopping trip? If you can’t afford that, why not ‘window-shop’? If you need a walker, take it with you! You won’t be the only person with a walker!
When you give up, you are helping your physical and mental health to follow your lead and slowly decline. You will reach a point where your ‘living’ involves only your small world. You have allowed the many abilities you had to disappear because you failed to use them. Now you, by your own choice, are literally waiting to die. WAIT!!! CHOOSE to enjoy the years or days you have left! Age is not a sentence to stop living! Your best years might be in the future!
Let me share a secret with you! I have learned that my age can be an ADVANTAGE! Knowing that, and how to use it, adds a joy to living and a challenge to my days. I am constantly thinking of ways to share with the world that at age 80 I am not quitting; I still have many ideas to turn into reality. It is exciting to begin a new book at my age or to turn finished manuscripts into E-books. I try new recipes; I enjoy doing crosswords. I’ve already lived most of the soap operas, why would I want more of those depressing times? I could be writing them but I try to write uplifting articles, items that will encourage others to appreciate the gift of each day. Choose to live!
Get a copy of Lura’s new book:

Getting Older and Enjoying It!
About Lura Zerick
Lura Zerick is an 80-year-old great grandmother. I enjoy learning new things. Give me an Elvis song with a good beat and watch me go! My favorite things are reading, listening to music, singing, cooking/baking, birds and words. I enjoy my 12 great grandchildren and 6 great grand children; love to encourage them o cook, write and sing, as well as use their other abilities. I can be reached at lzerick@aol.com
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