When it comes to finances, ignorance is not bliss. What you aren’t aware of and don't take advantage of often leaves you as the one being taken advantage of. You have a choice: you can either believe that what you planned for, purchased and put in place for your financial future years ago, is still in your financial best interest today, or you can acknowledge and explore … [Read more...] about What You Don’t Know Can And Does Cost You And Your Family Money
Are You Emotionally Wounded?
Carolyn Myss once said that when we tell someone about our emotional wounds, we’ve let them know how the relationship will be manipulated. This “information” also reveals how we live. A friend recently experienced a catharsis that took her through and beyond old wounds, wounds that caused her to armor herself since childhood, without really realizing to what degree this … [Read more...] about Are You Emotionally Wounded?
New Beginnings
The beginning of a new year gives me the same feeling as Spring; it is a time for ‘new beginnings’. First of all, I thank God for giving me the beginning of a new year, then I try to loosely organize the things I would like to accomplish within that year, or whatever time I have. I might not finish all of the ‘list’ but this will give me something to work toward, a … [Read more...] about New Beginnings
My Take on Newtown
I suspect that the final, definitive answer for the Newtown tragedy will not be forthcoming. The only person who might have provided some insight was the mother. Unfortunately, she was the first one who was killed. So what I will be proposing is pure conjecture, based not on fact, but on my understanding of what has been reported about the gunman.
Let me start with … [Read more...] about My Take on Newtown
How to Beat Stiff and Cold Leg Muscles During the Winter Months
(And my favorite winter, “Keep your legs warmer at night trick!”)
Are you one of those that can predict the weather based on how your leg or other muscles feel? Can you tell all of us if there is a storm coming because your joints tell you first? Does it take a lot longer than you’d like to admit to get up and moving because everything is so stiff? If so, this … [Read more...] about How to Beat Stiff and Cold Leg Muscles During the Winter Months
Guys, Listen Up: Mother Is Speaking!
My brother-in-law has been naging me to write a “put old on hold” book for guys and my usual response is, “I don’t understand the male psyche well enough to do that” to which he responds, “I don’t understand the male psyche either.” So I’m thinking, what do you want from me?
Really, guys don’t need a book to figure out how to put old on hold. They just need an … [Read more...] about Guys, Listen Up: Mother Is Speaking!
Go Ahead and Cheer!
Is it social glue or manic behavior when we root for our favorite sports team?
Okay, I confess. I spent most of this afternoon watching the Seattle Seahawks finally beat the St. Louis Rams after 3+ frustrating hours of not-as-good-as-we-fans-have-come-expect football. That’s over 10% of my day and almost 20% of my waking time watching someone else play a game. I … [Read more...] about Go Ahead and Cheer!
Busting Image Myths As You Age
Time and time again I come across old wives tales in glossy magazines regarding beauty tips. For example, More Magazine consulted renowned beauty experts and outlined 40 beauty tricks for women over 40. Item Number Two pronounced “Go Golden” in order to look younger. The advice was to wear warm-toned foundations and use golden bronzers.
Actually, as you age, your … [Read more...] about Busting Image Myths As You Age
What Is True Inner Peace About?
You may think if you had more of something, then you’d have peace. The opposite is true. There’s something you need less of, in order to have and feel peace.
Having less of something to feel better seems counterintuitive to ego-mind. But you would indeed have greater peace if you had less mental activity, especially about what you feel you lack in … [Read more...] about What Is True Inner Peace About?
Thanks for Making Me Laugh
Some people just leave you feeling a lot better about how your day is going. They’re usually not the ones urging you to stay the course when everything is going up in flames or down in smoke. The folks who do the most good are light-hearted. They are the people who make you laugh.
Some folks can do this no matter what you talk to them about. When I … [Read more...] about Thanks for Making Me Laugh