Let’s face it…the “eating fat will make you fat” hypothesis just doesn’t hold water. Dietary fat been vilified since the Ancel Keys days and his Seven Country Study in the late 50’s where he tried to prove the correlation between heart disease and eating fat saturated fat. Interestingly, Key’s study did find a correlation between eating saturated and fat and heart disease, but … [Read more...] about Eating Fat Will Make You Fat?
Aging: It Is What It Is?
I love to do crossword puzzles. I buy books of New York Times "Monday" puzzles because they are supposed to be the easiest. More times than not, they are laced with clues from more difficult puzzles. But that's okay. I've learned I know more than I thought I knew. We all know a lot more than we think we know and much of what we don't realize we know, has been learned just by … [Read more...] about Aging: It Is What It Is?
What’s There to Complain About?
People might say there’s a lot to complain about these days, and so it’s been throughout history. How’s that working for you and for all of us so far? We all complain aloud at times. Does it count as complaining if we do it silently to ourselves? Yep. And we’re likely guiltier of this silent “complaint-athon” activity than complaining aloud because of how many thoughts we … [Read more...] about What’s There to Complain About?
Seniors: Snap Out Of It! Computers Don’t Bite!
In 1997 my friend Jan called to tell me that she had a surprise for me, and wanted to make sure I would be home. Now, Jan was the kind of friend that was always welcome, and in that year, even more welcome because I had left the familiarity of our Minneapolis community to move, out of necessity, to the northwest suburbs. I felt out of place and out of sorts. I was raising a … [Read more...] about Seniors: Snap Out Of It! Computers Don’t Bite!
Retirement: Is It Really Nirvana?
I recently read two articles that should be mandatory reading for those about to retire, or in the early years of retirement. The first article, "Doctors: Is Retirement Overrated?" by Shelly Reese tells about a 63 year old retired doctor Dr. Doug Segan who now teaches part time. He said, "I bought into the cultural mantra that it's this promised land where you do what you … [Read more...] about Retirement: Is It Really Nirvana?
Good Stuff To Know June 2018
Metastatic cancer gorges on fructose in the liver Biomedical engineers have demonstrated that metastatic cancer cells can reprogram their metabolism to thrive in new organs. Cells originating from colorectal cancer change their dietary habits to capitalize on the high levels of fructose often found … [Read more...] about Good Stuff To Know June 2018
Cruising: The Ultimate Insanity
I recently returned from my first cruise, and I have to tell you, I just don't get it. I know people looooove cruises and many people I spoke with on the voyage were "chronic cruisers". They go on a cruise every chance they get. A week of my life was squandered aboard a ship with activities I could do at home at much less expense and fewer wasted hours. (Yes, I know I'm … [Read more...] about Cruising: The Ultimate Insanity
Overlooked Cause of School Violence?
While most of the discussion about school violence centers around gun control, other suggested reasons for gun violence include mental illness, lax security, lagging emergency response, bullying, violent media games and videos. Another potential contributor routinely ignored is adverse effects of psychiatric drugs. How often have you heard that a reason young people kill … [Read more...] about Overlooked Cause of School Violence?
Words Have Meaning: The Difference Between “Old” and “Older”
A reader questioned my use of the word "old" when I could have used "older". It concerned her because she doesn't consider herself "old" but rather, an "older" woman. I completely understand. I share her angst. So, when is it appropriate to use one or the other designation? When talking about women "of a certain age" how do you differentiate between a healthy woman who is … [Read more...] about Words Have Meaning: The Difference Between “Old” and “Older”
Why Do We Eat When We’re Not Hungry?
So, why do we do it? Here’s my top 10 list: Someone said we need to eat 3 meals plus snacks every day, or we’ll die. We have nothing else to do so we eat. We’re addicted to sugar and we just eat more sugar. Comfort food is yummy. To deal with our stuff. To be social – someone took the time to make something, so I better eat it. The clock said so or see … [Read more...] about Why Do We Eat When We’re Not Hungry?