We have had our second Coup here in America. We are about to lose our freedom.
The first Coup occurred in 1963 when JFK was murdered by our government, by the CIA, FBI and the then VP, Johnson. That has led us to today. The second was the blatant theft of the 2020 election. The same groups are involved. Since then, we are ruled by an unelected Junta in DC.
The patriots who went to Washington, DC, on Jan. 6, 2021, are being persecuted and killed. This is the PURGE, which always follows a Coup. The illegal government fears the citizens and attacks them immediately and continually, as happens in all countries where a Coup has occurred. People are STILL being arrested, even those who were NOT in DC that day and have done nothing wrong. These political prisoners are starved or fed rotted food and unsafe water; beaten and thrown into solitary confinement; denied outside contact; and forced into plea deals. Five have died.
Many associated with Trump have been prosecuted for nothing and jailed or bankrupted accordingly. This group includes Rudy Giuliani, Peter Navarro, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, and others.
Our food supplies are being purposely destroyed through a combination of fires and other attacks on food processing facilities; chemical nucleated weather control; and genetically modified fruits and vegetables that cannot produce what we need. Even “organic” is a scam. I once had a clamshell of baby spinach leaves that lasted in PERFECTLY FRESH condition for six weeks. It was from an “organic” farm in AZ, which said they follow all the organic producer guidelines. The question is who sets the guidelines. Of course, THAT would be our government. You couldn’t even TASTE the plastic coating.
This is the unelected government that has also opened our borders to enemy invaders, the actual numbers of which will never be known. They bring drugs, crime, and disease.
The invaders also bring VOTERS. The Obama-Biden gang knows they cannot win without fraud.
Although it is blatantly illegal for a non-citizen to vote, they are being encouraged and enabled to do so. Forty-nine states are registering them at welfare offices and driver’s license bureaus.
AZ pretends otherwise, but “the proof of citizenship or last four digits of the “Social Security Number” box on the federal voter registration form (accepted in all 50 states) is not a required field. Besides those invaders were given cell phones over which they can register from any state to VOTE in any state.
Ain’t technology grand?
Even though there is a Presidential candidate who holds a massive lead nationwide, with people of all races and creeds, there is great danger that he will NOT be elected. A Globalist/Marxist group is working against him at every possible turn, even inside the Republican National Committee whose co-chair is his own daughter-in-law.
That alone should show you how deep our problems are.
I don’t care if you consider yourself a Democrat or a Republican, or “unaffiliated”. Those labels have been rendered meaningless, in this conflagration of our country. We MUST recognize that our only two choices are between our Constitution and Communism. The vast majority of America chooses the first, and the freedom it has always provided us.
Most of our ruling class in government, from the local to the national level, are, however, on the side of the Globalists, aka. Communists. It’s easy to see if you look.
Possibly the most fatal of the conditions in our nation today is the lack of awareness and ACTION by the average American. We are so accustomed to living the blessedly free life our patriot forefathers have given us in the Constitution of the US that we don’t believe it will ever change.
NB: This IS changing, and we are in danger of losing our country as we know it.
What to do?? Go to your local government offices, election boards, town councils, etc., and get involved. Follow their actions, proposed legislation, vet candidates. Volunteer to be a poll watcher. Spread the awareness to help wake up your slice of America!
If you want to donate to a candidate, make sure it is done directly to his/her campaign, NOT to a state or national party.
Yes, it is far easier to give up and do nothing. If you do, however, you will be a part of those extinguishing Lady Liberty’s torch and forcing your children and grandchildren to live in totalitarianism.
Please choose to get out and help.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ~ Edmund Burke?
Kat Stansell is the Grassroots Outreach Director for the American Policy Center. A native of Cincinnati Ohio, and graduate of Denison University, Kat served the Village of Mettawa, IL, as treasurer and chair of the Planning Commission, where she got a good look at the process of civic vs. corporate interaction. She has been a local activist, working for several candidates and organizations. She has also written for newspapers and websites, and organized events highlighting issues of the day.
Excellent article. Thank you for speaking truth in days when it’s still (mostly) allowed and there are still some people who still (mostly) want to know the truth, not the narrative.
I will add this: There are other truths to be know, biblical truths, historical truths. You mentioned the Lady Liberty. For anyone brave enough to learn the truth about Lady Liberty, and more, I invite you to hear what these former Marines (and more) have to say about that statue and probably, likely much that some will hear for the first time — all of it true. Check the bios of these two men. Here’s the link:
God bless you and keep you as you continue to speak truth.