First, you won’t believe how brief I’m going to be this month. Here goes…
These days, we’re inundated with reminders of what’s wrong with the world rather than being reminded of what’s right with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We need to remind ourselves that God is evermore with those who are His sons and daughters called by His Name and that we are to walk by faith, not by sight.
In September this year, many of us who follow Jamie Walden and his family were blessed by our Lord and Savior to see a true miracle, according to God’s purposes. I’m providing evidence of it here, should you desire to remember or discover for the first time what it’s like to connect to the genuine goodness, power, grace, and mercy of our Almighty God and Father.
In the next paragraph is the link to the 24:43-minute video where Jamie, seated with his wife and son, explains the tragedy God used to remind us of Who He is and that He did not give us the Spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-discipline. I pray you’ll listen to what is shared about how their young son went from having a back broken in two places, plus serious skull and brain injury, to healed, with all evidence of injury gone, and how and how quickly this healing occurred.
Video Blurb: To the Saints: We cannot begin to thank you all enough for your tender intercession for our son and for our family! It has been profound beyond comprehension! The Lord is being glorified through and by all of it! (1141) SUPERNATURAL HEALING! ~ FINLEY’S TESTIMONY – YouTube
We hold fast to this promise (Romans 8:28) from our God Who is Truth: “…we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called in accordance with his purpose….” and that God counts trust in Him as righteousness.
May our Almighty God and Father cause those of us who call Him LORD, to be righteous sons and daughters of His in His eyes. In Jesus’ Name, I pray this.
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